This weekend, GOB is going to have a visitor from back home. That visitor? Steve Holt! *raises arms* Which is a name that makes sense to maybe six people reading this.
Back when he was a high school student, GOB got a girl pregnant. He didn't know about this until 21 years later when an agency reunited a high school student named Steve Holt (who had been described as "basically a young GOB") with his absentee father, GOB. (Yes, 21 years. Steve Holt has canonically been in high school for at least 7 years as of Season 3. I'm going to be extending that slightly for my purposes.)
There were some issues - namely the fact that GOB is ridiculously unfit to be a father and literally ran away from his responsibility on several occasions - but eventually (in my FH backstory) GOB came to accept his role as Steve's father... and ran off to Fandom.
Steve is a very, very stupid young man (I'm pegging him at 24 and a recent high school graduate). He also has almost no common sense, which is at least partially due to not having a strong father figure growing up. Granted, he might be better off now than he would have been had GOB been around while he was growing up, but that's open to debate.
He'll be in Fandom from Friday through Sunday, and GOB will be giving him a bit of a tour of the town on Saturday afternoon. If you really want to meet the Son of GOB, he will be around town with his father all day. I'll also probably have them at Sunday Brunch as well.
If you're a young female, Steve Holt may ask if you want to make out. GOB will be so proud if he sees that pickup line used.