its about time...

Oct 25, 2004 15:31

its been a while.. im just gettin to busy for this thing.. neways.. yea im eating mint chocolate chip icecream right now! yum yum yum! i love that stuff! neways..hateskool like always.. i dunno y but im not really goin out of my way to make the best grades this year.. which isnt good.. i got 3 A's and who knows wut in math but it aint good.. im ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

BrAndiiiiiiiii.........* lillaura22 October 25 2004, 14:54:52 UTC
heyy sweetheart!! just wanted 2 leave you a comment and say i love ya! and thank you for everything means a lot ! <3 "Put a smile on haha" ohh the goodtimes! LOVE YOU ;] "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...?" lol call me! <3


it laurA anonymous October 25 2004, 14:55:37 UTC
heyy sweetheart!! just wanted 2 leave you a comment and say i love ya! and thank you for everything means a lot ! <3 "Put a smile on haha" ohh the goodtimes! LOVE YOU ;] "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...?" lol call me! <3


its laurA anonymous October 25 2004, 14:56:20 UTC
heyy sweetheart!! just wanted 2 leave you a comment and say i love ya! and thank you for everything means a lot ! <3 "Put a smile on haha" ohh the goodtimes! LOVE YOU ;] "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck...?" lol call me! <3


My DeArEsT DaRLiN* HoW I dO LoVe YoU! 03jordan October 28 2004, 14:13:58 UTC
WeLL HeLL0 DaRLiNg! YeAh.. ThE FaIr WaS AwEsOmE BuT ThoSe PhYsCo GiRLs ArE UgLy! PlUs ReMeMbEr WhAt MoMmMa SaId? " DONT BE JEALOUS BRANDI" HaHa! GoTtA lOvE tHOsE wOnDeRfUL wOrDs oF wIsDoM tHaT aRe aBOuT aS UsEfUl As a SuRFbOArD iN A pUdDLe :) nO oFfEnSe "MoMMa" yOu'Re tRuLlY bRIlLIaNt! bUt! wE hAvE tO pArTy iT uP sUnDaY nIgHt... aNd mAyBe eVeN sAtUrDaY! iF dAd gOeS tO tHe hUNtIN cAmP(KEeP tHOSe fInGeRs cROsSeD) wELL pHaTsO! i gUeSS i dIdNt rEaLlY wAnNa tRaSh tAlK aNyONe.. sO i DOnT hAVe MuCH LeFT tO sAy! oThEr tHaN i LoVe yOU aND i CaN't wAiT tIL oUr (DuE dAyS :105;110) i aM eXcItEd.. hAhA.. cAn wE sAy oUt oF yOuR lEaGUe? i tHiNK So! i*Ll bE tHeRe sOoN aNd kEeP uR pAwS oFf tHe HAM ! hAHa! lAtEr gAtOr!


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