Wolf's Bane 2 - Sunday, 13th July 2014

Jul 17, 2014 19:55

Last but not least, let’s come to Sunday, shall we? :-) And it might not be as long as Saturday, but we’ll see… =)

Fiona, Isabel and me got up around 7:45 and got ready to take the bus around 9 to the train station from where we would go to the Convention Centre again, and let me tell you: Even though it’s probably more “complicated” NOT to stay in the Con hotel and having to “travel” there every day: It was SO worth it, considering how much money I saved this way. Not even with the busses and taxis it was even remotely the price I would have to pay for the Con Hotel. Which would have been 45 £ ONE night, so with staying 4 nights (what we did) that would have been 180 £ total. I paid 46 £ for FOUR nights and like I already mentioned: The room was gorgeous and big and clean and it was just SO worth the money…


Stage talks would start at 10 a.m. but because I wanted to “meet up” with Wayne before to ask again if I could retake my pictures we were there a bit earlier (around 9.30) and I started looking for Wayne but couldn’t find him. And so I asked one of the other Rogue stewards but they told me he won’t be “here” for a while. I explained to them what my problem is and the girls told me to go to the Dealer’s room and talk to Donna.

Who I couldn’t find either.

But there was another girl standing there with a picture who had the same “problem” I had and was just waiting for instructions of what to do. It took a bit but then Brian (I think was his name) came up to us and asked us how he could help him. We explained our problem with the pictures and he told us we could retake them - no problem - but have to leave the originals with him. Which OF COURSE was no problem. I mean, I was so unhappy with them that I didn’t want them anyways, and same counted for the other girl.

So I got 2 new coupons for Daniel and Stephen (the girl for Tyler) and yes… I can tell you that I was the happiest person in the world in that moment. I would have NEVER imagined that it would work out for me. I was convinced - since it really was my fault - that they wouldn’t care, but they did (or at least Brian did) and he was totally sweet and understanding and it made me so happy.

I also spontaneously decided - because I had 40 £ left and it wouldn’t have been worth it to “re-change” them again in Euros because of the high fees - to either buy one more autograph (Tyler’s), or another photo op - either JR’s or Tyler’s.

I ended up buying a picture with JR - seriously? Best decision ever. At least that’s how I feel now, because I’m completely in love with our picture, but more about that later… =)

I went to the Panel room - where Fiona and Isabel had already reserved seats - and waited for the “Opening Announcements” for the day and the first thing they did was showing some kind of “plan” on the screens for what pictures would be taken today.

Thing is: It wasn’t planned to do ANY singles that day, only doubles, but for the people who missed theirs the other day they did and they also sold a few more. And there were a LOT more combinations available than usually planned. Like only then did I find out that it WOULD HAVE been possible to get a Daniel/Holland double *sighs* That would have been my complete dream and I would totally have sacrificed one of my Holland Singles to have that one, but so what? Hopefully I’ll get another chance at some point and if not I won’t die either. At least I’ve met them both.

They obviously ALSO sold Ian/JR doubles - which hadn’t been planned either, and same goes for Tyler/JR ones… so obviously every possible combination.

(Announcement for the doubles and such)

The first photo shooting of the day was Adam & Stephen. Although it wasn’t really a “double combination” but moreso single pics of them. And so I went to the hallway in front of the photo studio and everyone was brought to the room next to it and the Rogue staff made different queues for the different combinations, starting with Adam Singles, Stephen Singles, Adam/Stephen Doubles - IF there were some (there were like 3 or 4 *lol*) and then they already started lining up with Daniel Singles, JR Singles, Tyler Singles, and so on… It was pretty much interesting. I told them when I walked in that I had 3 singles and asked what I’m supposed to do and they told me that I have to line up for Stephen and then after my picture is taken come back to the room and line up for Daniel, and that I have to do the same after Daniel for JR’s picture…

Oh well…

I was already fully aware what that meant: I would miss the “Twin Panel”… but that’s the price I had to pay for wanting my pics retaken and so I definitely can’t and won’t complain.

Adam was done pretty quickly but he was still “shooting” when we were brought in the next room and he seemed to be pretty funny and relaxed. And definitely was willing to do poses too. He wasn’t asked that much, but a few people did want him to.

Adam stepped aside and then it was Stephen’s turn. Not many people here anymore either, and so it didn’t take long until it was my turn.

When I walked over to him he smiled at me saying “Oh, hey, you again” (so obviously he remembered me or my dress or whatever :P) and then said “So, what do you wanna do today?” and I told him “Actually, we have to retake yesterday’s picture” - and then I showed him the pose again since I had the picture with me and he said “Oh shit, sorry, what did I do wrong?” - I mean, how ADORABLE is that? - I told him “It’s not you, you were perfectly fine, you did everything right, but I completely messed up, looking stupid as fuck” and he replied with “Okay, let’s just do this together, I’ll help you”. Seriously, it’s a surprise I didn’t faint, because he was the absolute nicest. I put my arm up and he looked at me saying “You need to turn your head a bit and look down, okay?” and damn it… seriously. Everyone else probably wouldn’t have cared, but he did.

The picture was taken and I thanked him and was about to leave, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back, saying “wait” and then he turned to the photographer saying “Show her the picture. This time it has to be perfect, and if it isn’t, we’ll retake it”… and yes… photographer showed me the picture, I thought it was really great, thanked him again and - after getting the usual card - left the room.

And couldn’t believe that REALLY happened…

I mean, the guy is the most adorable guy ever. And like I said, most others probably wouldn’t have cared but he seemed that he wanted to make really sure that this time I’m happy with the picture even though I messed it up myself and he had been completely perfect the first time…

(I completely love this picture, best ever :D)
I went - just as I was told - back into the other room and got into the queue for Daniel. It took a little while and when we finally were brought into the next room I got REALLY, really nervous again and I also wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with him. I mean, I DID have a picture with me but all of a sudden I wasn’t so sure anymore if I really wanted to “just” re-take the pose and risk it looking stupid AGAIN or if I should just go for another pose.

I was about to really freak out, but I got rid of my picture, took a deep breath and decided that - no - I don’t want the same pose, I wanna go for something different.

So when it was my turn and I walked over to him I simply asked him if we can hug and look at each other and he was completely fine with it. He even thanked me AGAIN for the fanbook - making once more sure that I know he remembered me - and well… before I left I asked him if I can get a hug, because I probably won’t see him again for quite some time.

And he said “Of course you can get a hug” and then he hugged me for a long moment and I was just so happy when I let go and left the room (after taking the card for collecting the picture).

(This is SO much better than the first attempt :D)
I usually DON’T do that. I’m usually NOT someone that asks for hugs (unless it’s on pictures) and especially not in a situation like that, but it’s Daniel and I knew I wouldn’t see him again for a while, if I even ever meet him again (I mean, who knows what the future brings?) and so I just had to go for it… and it’s not like I held him up for 10 minutes or such… so I guess it was okay… =)

The whole “game” started again and I went back into the other room queuing for JR. This time it took a while longer since they did all the doubles and triples that included Daniel and also some JR doubles before they did the JR singles, but I really didn’t have a problem with that. Especially since the room temperature was quite nice and we could sit down on the carpet floor while waiting. And I had a few nice chats with some of the girls waiting with me in line. It’s always nice to meet new people like that and “kill time”…

And then it was finally time for my JR picture. And when we were let into the room Tyler was still taking pictures and Ian and Daniel were ALSO still in the room, just sitting at the side and relaxing… It was… well… let’s just say it was a nice view.

And because I forgot to mention: During Daniel’s single shootings Ian, JR and Tyler were in the room as well, watching him “do his magic”. It was a difficult decision WHERE to look at in those moments. Like seriously. *lol* Should I drool over Ian sitting there all sexy with his scarf and his beautiful blue eyes or should I rather ogle Daniel who was sitting right next to him. Or should I probably watch what JR is doing with the other guys? *lol*

I had a pose for JR “printed out” and when it was my turn I walked over to him, he greeted me and asked me what I wanna do. I showed him the pose asking “Is it okay if we do that?” and he said “Yes, sure, of course, come here”, and then he placed his hands on my face and looked into my eyes. And damn, that guy has incredible eyes. I mean, I knew that before and I already HAVE a picture with him and me looking into each other’s eyes, but this one turned out even better.

(I don't know why I look so serious, but somehow I still like that picture and how it turned out :D)
After that I was finally able to go back to the Panel Room where the Double Panel of Adam and Stephen had already started when I came in. I didn’t miss extremely much, only a little bit, and I have to say: I underestimated BOTH of those guys, because they were just hilarious and funny. And both clearly have a pretty dirty mind :D But are both so different from each other.

Adam said that Derek and Harris have the same taste in women because they met when Derek was in juvie and Harris taught him everything he knows. (That’s obviously his head-candy how JR would put it into :D) I have to say Adam is quite intellectual, whilst Stephen is more of a gamer geek and very excitable.

They were both really great.

(Pictures from the Adam/Stephen Panel)
After that panel it was FINALLY time for the “Twin Double Shooting” I had with Isabel and I was so extremely excited about it. Like SERIOUSLY. I was looking forward to that shooting (even though it was the very last of this Con) ever since Isabel and me decided to do it and figured out a pose for the guys and the waiting in the “other room” felt like FOREVER.

And the twins had quite a long line.

When we were finally in the photo studio room I got really excited. Especially watching all those people taking pictures with the twins.

Most of them wanted a “double kiss” of the twins. Those guys must have pretty rough lips after that shooting because they completely “went for it” and kissed everyone who wanted to be kissed *lol* I almost felt sorry for them because SO many people wanted this and so when it was FINALLY our turn and I walked over to them, Charlie looked really excited.

He said “Oh hi, it’s you, I remember you” and that made me SO happy because I’m sure he has seen lots of other people the day before and also this day, but obviously I left an impression.

I then told them what we wanted, saying “So, we have a pose figured out” and Charlie said “Yes, I know, you mentioned that” and then I said “Well… let’s just say we’re on a double date and Max and I won’t stop flirting with each other while you and Isabel feel kinda embarrassed about that” :D

They both let out a laugh and seemed really amused.

I had NO idea what Charlie and Isabel were really doing or what face they were making because I was kinda busy ogling Max… and let me tell you, that was nice. He held onto me really tight and looked directly into my eyes and it was difficult to keep myself steady and not get weak in the knees, because damn, the way he looked at me was quite sexy.

They BOTH thanked us for the pose and then we said good-bye and left the room, making our way to the panel room, because we knew the Holland & Ian Panel would start soon, and that was something I definitely DID NOT wanna miss… :)

(This picture couldn't have been more perfect :D)
They were showing some TEEN WOLF Bloopers when we walked in and it was really funny, and I was just glad that I didn’t miss anything about that panel because it was one of the ones I REALLY wanted to see badly.

It didn’t feel long until the Ian/Holland Panel FINALLY started and let me tell you: those 2 have AMAZING chemistry together. And they seem to know each other REALLY, really well. And seem to genuinely like each other. That was visible in every single sentence they said.

Holland for example mentioned that whenever she has an audition coming up she goes over to Ian’s place and asks him for advice and help because he’s the “go-to-guy”. She also said she has told that to literally EVERYONE and now everyone else does it as well. Which was kinda funny. Poor Ian, but I’m sure he’s a great guy and loves to help them all.
Holland was asked what her favourite Disney Princess is and she said she used to pretend she was Ariel, brushing her hair with a fork and even taking swim and diving classes.  So cute… :D

Holland also said Ian always says “I” when he actually means “we” and that he should learn to use the term “we” more, because that’s probably the reason he’s single :D

Their guilty pleasure is ice-cream and Ian’s guilty pleasure is also that he loves to listen to Katy Perry while Holland loves to watch “The Kardashians. They also said if they had a tv-show together it would be something about them decorating things, because that’s what they do when they are together. It was SO fucking adorable.

Someone asked about “Pydia” (Peter/Lydia), or rather what Ian thinks Lydia means to Peter, and what he said felt kinda “odd” *lol* Because Ian thinks Peter wants to protect Lydia, and he also said that Lydia is special to Peter, and that he might not be in love with her, but Lydia is the closest thing to “being in love” that Peter is capable of.
Holland disagreed with him. She thinks Lydia is only special to Peter because she resurrected him, and because he knew beforehand that she had some special powers and she thinks it’s kinda selfish for those reasons.
One of Ian’s favourite scenes with Holland was the one with half burned Peter and catatonic Lydia in that house, where she shared this “kiss” with “Young!Peter”. He loves the talk they had in this scene and said it was one of the best scenes for him.
They were also asked if any famous person - dead or alive - could be part of Lydia’s and Peter’s family tree, who it would be. Holland thinks Lydia is related to Albert Einstein while Ian thinks Peter must be related to Edgar Allen Poe :D
They were also asked about Fan-Art. Or rather what they do with the fanarts they get from the fans. Ian said especially the drawings he gives to his nieces because they love Teen Wolf and are always pretty excited about it. Holland said her mother is good at scrap-booking and keeps everything and kinda brags about it all the time because she’s so proud of her daughter and at Christmas it’s a tradition for them to look through them =D
Ian would love to do some scenes outside. It’s too dark in the loft and he’d like to get a tan.
If they were in a band Ian would play guitar and Holland would play electric ukulele. Ian said Dylan got Ian into drumming. He also mentioned that he is better because “Dylan can do a lot of things with his hands”.
Like OMG? *lol* I mean, that was SO funny, because everyone burst out laughing and he was confused for a moment, until he realized what he had just said. He rolled his eyes and said “That’s not what I meant.” He told us off for being dirty-minded :P
There’s a joke on set that no ones knows what Peter’s doing all alone in the loft all the time. “Every time I walk down the stairs in the loft Hoechlin looks at me and goes ‘What are you doing up there?’” Peter is probably just lurking around in the loft. Apparently there’s just a platform with DO NOT WALK on it and then a high drop.
Holland would like to do more scenes with Coach (Orny), while Ian would love to have more scenes with Stiles (Dylan).
I also asked a question at some point, because Ian had said at Alpha Con that “Peter” might get a love interest this season, and so I asked him if he can say anything more about it, but he told me he can’t, because of Spoilers and he would get in trouble for it. He also said that he’s not even sure anymore that it’s going to happen at all (which rather sounded to me like it WON’T and they changed their minds) and then asked the audience if they even would want Peter to get some love, but most people didn’t… so yeah… there’s that… :D

I don’t remember much else, but it was SUCH a great panel and I really had fun watching it… =)

(Pictures of Ian's and Holland's Panel - they put that twitter thingie on the screen too :D)
After that panel there was a lunch break and while Fiona stayed in the Panel Room Isabel and me got a sandwich and collected the pictures that had been ready until then (which were “only” Stephen and Daniel for that moment) and then went back into the panel room eating our sandwiches while some Teen Wolf Videos were shown.

Kinda relaxing and really great =D

There was only 1 more panel left after the break - which was the one that made my stomach hurt from laughing. The Daniel/Tyler/JR panel. Seriously, those guys are so completely crazy, I can’t even put it into words, but it was SO much fun =D

It started with the 3 chairs being like 1 metre away from each other, and it looked REALLY, really strange to be honest.

Also: Lots of people were starting to move forward in between the chairs (there was a row in the middle) to take a few pictures and so I decided to do the same. I mean, I assumed - like at other Cons - you can move to the middle, take a few good pics, and then go back - but somehow when I was kneeling down next to like Row 2 and took a few picture, no one ever came and in the end there were like 15 people crouched down there. But I mean, no one really complained (and if someone had, I would have gone back), and so no one obviously felt disturbed by it… so there’s that…


Like I said: they were kinda far away from each other but ended up moving the chairs towards each other. First it was Daniel taking his chair and moving it to Tyler’s (from my perspective) right side and JR “pouted” and wasn’t happy, so Daniel moved back, but then JR moved away from him and more towards Tyler and in the end they just moved their chairs closer together altogether. :D SO funny their “little game”. :D

At some point during that panel JR also explained the whole “Baby Monkey” incident again, cursing Daniel for finding that video and showing it to him because now it’s their new thing and it’s difficult to get it out of their heads again.
JR also mentioned this “Wiggle Wiggle” song and that he’s hearing it quite often and that it’s a thing between them. *lol*
Both songs that are hard to get out of my head again :D
They were asked if they liked to watch any of the “smaller” sports and Daniel said “curling”, which resulted in about five minutes dedicated to shouting “SWEEEEEEEEEEP!” and make the movements. JR joined in and then Hoechlin went “Nope!” and made them sit down when JR’s hand movements with the mike changed and became something a bit more dirty ;) (I already said some of the guys have a REALLY dirty mind :D
They also got asked the best and worst qualities of each other, for which JR went first. In regards to Hoechlin he said his best qualities are his support, unconditional love and friendship, and is worst is “He’s so damn fucking good looking”. For Daniel (or DD as JR called him) the unconditional support Daniel gives him is his best quality. He helped JR learn his lines for a play in one week without asking anything in return as well as taking notes whilst JR spoke with the director. For Daniel’s worst qualities he jokingly said: “We don’t have long enough. He’s so damn tall!”
Tyler said that JR is supportive and that Tyler really trusts him. When JR gives advice you can be sure he has your best interests in mind. JR looks out for him. He quickly sped past the idea of mentioned faults in his cast mate. For Daniel he said his best qualities were his enthusiasm and passion. Also “Daniel’s the only person as competitive as I am. I am not the only one who breaks things when he loses.”
Daniel commented saying Tyler is such a loyal and lovely person, and that when Daniel moved to the USA and started working on Teen Wolf Tyler was one of the first people he got along with. Daniel just wants to travel across the country and play with Tyler (“That would be the worst. The worst for them but the best for us!”) JR he said is supportive and always there for you, especially artistically.
Daniel really enjoyed doing Cassandra Clare audio book reading as he became attached to the characters and put accents to each of them.
When asked what Isaac would have done about Allison death, Daniel said he’d mourn her, like he heard they did on the show (and he never meant it in a good way!)

They also re-did the cats fucking noise from last year’s Pivot Questionnaire (I wasn’t there but saw a video) but did it as a contest. Both Tyler and Daniel looked extremely worried during JR’s turn and JR said his cat went through an entire life cycle and then died at the end. Daniel’s wasn’t too bad and much more realistic than JR’s. But seriously, I felt like dying, that was SO funny. And Daniel’s cat sounded more like a cat being hit by a car and not like a cat having sex, but okay… I haven’t really ever heard a cat having sex, I think *lol* Not that I remember.

On another note - and while I’m just thinking about it - I just remembered something Holland said during the Panel of her and Ian. She said that she’s NOT happy how the loss of “Jackson” was handled in case of Lydia and that she felt it was completely wrong for her to move on so quickly after playing it like he was the love of her life. She also said she found it awful that there was no funeral scene for Allison and that the “mourning period” was too short either. It did sound like she wasn’t exactly happy with a lot of things in the show and always said people should write Jeff - in a polite way, because otherwise he would do the exact opposite, and that Dylan is probably the only one Jeff REALLY listens to… well…

(Sorry, too many good pictures :D)

There was a short break after that during which Isabel and me decided to get our remaining pictures (which were the JR one and the Twin Double) and then we went back into the Panel room for the “Pivot Questions” and the Closing Ceremony.

For the “Pivot Questions” all 10 guests were on stage and there were 10 questions asked to either one of them… it was SO much fun.

Short mention: Max didn’t feel very well. He obviously had eaten Indian food the evening before and not really taken it well, and so he was EXTREMELY cuddly with Daniel. It was almost adorable. My gay friend was asking me later when I told him “you sure he’s straight?” *lol* Well… he should probably ask Holland that… :P

Anyways… here are some of the questions I remember :D

They were asked about their favourite word and I know Daniel said “Sweep”, and right afterwards it was the question about the least favourite word and Charlie said “sweep, on behalf of Max who’s going to kill you” *lol* Seriously, the whole “sweep” has really become a “thing” during the Convention. Adam’s least favourite word is “Itchy Cunt” :D They were also asked what turns them on… ahem… :D (I wonder who asked those questions because Flash had a whole list of those questions he asked them, but I have no idea where they came from) - anyways - Adam said “a good spanking” turns him on while Ian said “Women” :) Who would have guessed? :P Holland said Feminine nerds turn her on. So adorable. Charlie is obviously turned on by ugly crying *lol* Next question was what turns them off and Stephen’s reply was “ugly crying” this time, while Charlie said “not a damn thing” and JR replied with “Itchy Cunts”, they turn him off :D Favourite curse words - for Tyler it was “son of a bitch” - because you can use it so often, JR said “cuntybollocks” while Holland went for “son of a bitch” as well and Ian said “motherfucker”. Daniel’s favourite curse word is “cunt” XD
Another question was the favourite sound of them… and OMG… Stephen replied with “Female Orgasm” and JR said something (I don’t remember what) when someone in the audience screamed “JR wouldn’t know what that sounds like” *lol* Kinda mean, but JR laughed his ass off about that. Charlie added his favourite sound was “hearing that happen” - I assume he meant the orgasm as well :P
They were also asked about their least favourite sounds and Stephen was mentioning “Pokemon” - the game boy game when you walk through grass and get attacked by a pokemon and just wanna get through it *lol* Oh I remember those times SO well. Charlie: “Police sirens, fire trucks.” - Tyler: “Dentist drill.” - JR: “Myself thinking and voices in my head, cars crushing and my own voice.” - Holland: “Farts” - Ian: “*knock knock knock knock* “police!” “again?!” - Daniel: “Immigration agent’s voice and their gloves snapping when they put them on, before doing an impression of one and saying ‘This might pinch a bit’.”
They were seriously SO funny and I laughed my ass off during those questionnaire thing… so amusing and they were all in such a good mood.
I also remember the question about which profession they would like to do if they weren’t actors, and Max’s reply was literally the best. He said “Professional snuggler or prostitute.“ And then he snuggled against Daniel saying „See how easy I slid into that?“ - the “audience” was screaming with laughter, because seriously, that was AGAIN so funny and so ambiguous… and yes, I had some REALLY dirty thoughts when he said it.
They also asked about a profession they would never wanna do and Ian’s reply was “Quality controller in a rubber factory” *lol* While Daniel said he would never wanna be Max’s cleaner and Max looked almost shocked while JR shouted “Maybe you just shouldn’t have slid into it that easy” *lol* SO funny. Max said he would never wanna be Daniel’s wife XD

It was awesome… =D

(Again - too many pictures, but it was so awesome :D)
After that there was a short “closing ceremony” and then there would be autographs again. WITH EVERYONE signing at this time, so everyone who didn’t have their autographs yet would get the chance to finally collect them. Everyone was storming out of the panel room towards the hallway and seriously, that was probably the worst thing ever because all of a sudden there was a whole bulk of people crowding the door.

Fortunately they used the biggest room they had available and so for this autograph thing all 10 guests were in the room and a lot of people could get in at the same time.

I met up with Lauren, she gave me the fan book and after I told a Rogue staff member that Holland is the only autograph I have yet to get I got in fairly quickly. It didn’t take me long to get to Holland, but it was all SO rushed and stressed. They were saying “no dedications” anymore and told everyone not to have small-talk with the guests whatsoever, which yeah, I completely got. I mean, it was pretty obvious that not many people got their autographs on Saturday and they had a pretty tight schedule.

We also were told in the Closing Ceremony that they had to hurry the autographs because they all (the actors) would leave right away to get their trains/planes, so there’s that…

I was able to give Holland the fan book together with Lauren who just came along and she seemed pretty touched and was completely lovely, even though she didn’t really have much time to look into it or really appreciate it, but she did thank me more than once and said that it was so nice of us doing that for her and that she really likes it and is going to read it later.

She even gave me a dedication on my autograph (aka my name) even though she wasn’t supposed to, and I was really happy about that.

(Holland's autograph)
I could/should probably have used the opportunity to talk a little with Tyler and/or Stephen because on Holland’s right side was Stephen’s table, on her left Tyler’s, and NO ONE was there while everyone else there were really long queues. But not with those 2. I was wondering if they just forgot to let people in or if everyone already had their autographs of them. Them both being sponsored guests could have been a reason as well, since their autographs weren’t included in the ticket price and so maybe not THAT many people have bought them? I have NO idea and I’m angry with myself for NOT saying anything to them and just rushing out of the autograph room.

Damn me!
That was the one chance to really have small-talk with them. PLUS: I could have showed Stephen our picture in that moment, but of course I only thought about that afterwards, when it was already too late and I couldn’t get back in… oh well…


After that I went into the hotel lobby waiting for Isabel and Fiona and saw Holland and Adam leave. And only Ian. It was so sweet because when Ian walked past me and I said “Good bye, have a nice journey” he said “Hope to see you all soon” (there were other people too) and then he looked at me smiling and saying “see? I told you I would see you again before the Con is over” :D Oh boy… that guy knows how to completely overwhelm me and mess me up…

I walked back into the hallway and ran directly into JR, who then said his good-byes as well and then I sat down at the stairs waiting.

I also saw Brian (the Rogue guy) coming towards me and jumped up, walking over to him, asking him if he has a minute, and then I thanked him again for letting me re-take my pictures. I also told him that this meant a lot to me and that I really appreciated it but he was completely “it’s okay, really, we just want everyone to be happy. Can I see the pics?” and of course I showed him the 2 pics I re-took, with Stephen and Daniel, and he was amazed especially of the one of Stephen telling me “Oh wow, this looks completely perfect now. And I’m so happy for you that I could make it possible.” - I asked him if I could hug him and he said yes, thanked him again and then he went his way.

This might be stupid, but I was really, really grateful for him helping me out like that, so that I now have pictures I’m really happy with.

I didn’t have to wait long for Isabel and Fiona and after saying good-bye to Lauren and some other friends we made, we made our way back to the train station where we saw Max and Holland again when they were getting on a train - so obviously they REALLY had been quite in a hurry and needed to leave quickly.

(Lauren & Me :D)
Isabel and me bought something to eat at SUBWAY and we went back to our hotel, packing our stuff, eating something, taking showers and went to bed quite early since we had to get up around 6.30 the next day.

Our flights would leave at 10.00 and so we had to leave our hotel around 7.45 and went to the airport, checked in, ate and drank a bit with Fiona and then said good-bye to get to our plane while she went to the train station to get her train.

It went down smoothly and we arrived back in Cologne on time.
We went to the main train station, put our luggage away and walked around Colgone for a while, ate and drank something, did a bit of sight-seeing and at 8 p.m. I took my train to Vienna after Isabel and me said good-bye.

And around 11 the next day I FINALLY was at home again.

And now I’m trying to fight against the “Con-Blues”, but I feel so sad that it’s over and that it will take a LONG time until I can experience something like that again. Especially if I don’t find a job soon *sighs* I REALLY need to work again so I can afford some stuff and I REALLY wanna do that again next year, but for now it’s all pretty insecure if I can even make a single Con… we’ll see…

Also, I’m going to try catching up with my many (about 21 by now) TV-show episodes… *lol* Damn, I missed so much =D

conventions, actors, picspam, teen wolf, photos, autographs

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