bmajors is a maladjusted piece of toast
bmajors is a wookie and damn proud of it, dammit
bmajors is crafted with pride in the lumpy gravy
bmajors is a true american hero
bmajors is nine years old and enjoys playing whiffleball and snorkling in her free time
bmajors is a scattered newspaper, waiting to be born again
bmajors is a restless puppy
bmajors is a cartoon, drawn purely by accident
additionally, bmajors is powered by solar power alone
bmajors is the fourth installment in a series of eight episodes
bmajors is the embodiment of both the joy of fly fishing and the pain of lawn darts
bmajors is no ones sidekick
bmajors is always prepared to horrify strangers at a moments notice
bmajors is happy to be awake; however, bmajors is unhappy about the banjo
bmajors is FRIENDS ONLY