I would like to begin by saying to the girls I call friends DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY. If you do it is your own fault.
Going forward, FUCK girls. And I don't mean it in a good way. What the fuck is your problem? I swear. Nice guys do exist, yet that doesn't matter. My new theory is that the nice guys get fed up with being rejected and all that jazz and then decide to take revenge once they get a chance. So this may be the origination of some assholes that girls encounter. Now I will say that not all guys are nice, but maybe more would be if it was a choice.
Also, I would like to know why girls think they are better than everyone else. I mean seriously, my situation tonight proved to me that girls just want to find pricks.
Another point. Why on earth do you screw with us? Is it just for fun? I was talking to this one girl, things are going good, feeling a damn good vibe, and ended on a good note, but she is taking the "hard-to-get" game way too fucking seriously. Whatever. I refuse to give up. I will find someone, they will just have to find me. I am a nice guy and I have a lot going for me (If you differ please tell me what I am over looking), so if you know a nice girl who wants a nice guy hook us up. If women want to continue on this path, then I don't want to hear any complaints about "Where have all the nice guys gone?"
Damn I need a drink...hopefully soon. I should salute the confusion that makes females female. And I agree with John Mayer, "I'm tired of waiting, so hurry up and get here," when speaking of a girl to love who loves him.
If you disagree, then good ahead and try to retort. The battle of the sexes is on!