Let's start with romance and girl-related issues.
Well, "grief girl" is no more. Why you say? Fuck if I know. From what I am able to discern she wants to be a friend that never calls me. That won't work. Oh well. I am still going to keep my eyes open. Someone will cross my path.
Work-related issues.
This is going alright. I have hit a few snags here and there. Most of them based on the fact that we have limited work right now. This should change as should my position.
Housing-related issues.
The two places that the triad (Dave, Collum, and Myself) were looking at are no more. Well, one is nearly fatal and the other is rented out. We have and will continue to search the market.
As most will know, in friend news, I am wanting to hear good news from both the Palmer and Rodgers families. Todd's Mom and Chris's Dad have important doctor's visits in their futures. In both matters, may karma be with you, as I don't have anything else to wish/hope/pray will help. Ah, the life of an agnostic.