School is getting better, but nothing else is.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Could you see
9tailsdemonfox and
noobliterator together? Haha, together as friends
2) Are
hartbreakr89 and
robianotay married? Hehee, the'd make some hot babies...
3) What song/movie would you recommend to
robianotay? Hmm, the Sound of Music
4) Does
bl0ndiebear go to your school? Yep
5) Which president would
sultryangel be likely to idolize? ...I don't know, CLINTON!
6) Is
zauber4flote your best friend? I heart Katie!
7) Would
matrixhackerneo and
sweetashley89 look good together? hahaha, I don't think so
8) What is
taboola's favorite band/artist? WAY too many!
9) Would
sultryangel go out with
9tailsdemonfox? I don't think so
10) Does
nick412 have a dog? I don't think so
11) Is
zauber4flote in a relationship? YEP, at least she was with Brad...
12) If
thepico took over the world, who would suffer? All of the dumb people!
13) Do you have a crush on
nick412? not anymore
14) If
sky_song1624 had a superpower, what would it be? Laser vision
15) Where did you first meet
taboola? At a party, and thank goodness I did meet her, I don't know what I'd be like now...
16) Which of your friends should
sweetashley89 go out with? maybe Chris...*shakes head*
17) If
ace5k and
jen_aubrey were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Left wrist
18) If
mandarin_376 took over the world, who would be happy? Pantsman and Plaidboy
19) Is
noobliterator related to
20) Would
sultryangel be a better ninja or pirate? NINJA!
21) Does
sultryangel travel a lot? I don't think so
22) What mental disorder does
zauber4flote remind you of? If there is a disorder for being extremely cool and laid back, it would be that one...
23) Have you flirted with
blar_or_is_it? Sure have
24) Is
irishdancr13 friends with
taboola? Sort of
25) What languages does
taboola speak? Deutch, and English of course...Borzo speaks the language of SEX!
26) What do you disagree with
nick412 about? Your mom
27) Did
thepico break up with you? Haha nope
28) What would
zauber4flote think of
sultryangel? I think they'd like eachother
29) Is
turtle_venom an emo? No
30) Is
verges a college student? He might as well be