Title: Idiot Savant Pairing: Cory/Shawn Rating: Mostly implied but one scene with some description. Summary: Shawn is surprisingly good at a lot of things.
AUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH SO SAD BUT SO AWESOME. This may be one of my all-time favorite BMW fics. So many interesting, believable bits of Shawn's character and Cory's co-dependence with him. And despite the fact that the Cory/Shawn scenes aren't particularly explicit, they're still totally sexy. Seriously, great one-shot!
You've written this so well that it makes me hurt. And I mean that in the best way possible. The characterizations are spot on. Just a lovely, heartbreaking piece of writing. Excellent!
Comments 5
Also, love your Bill&Ted icon :)
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