Jan 24, 2005 21:48
its about time someone made me realize that life is not about getting fucked up going to seriously cut back on smoking pot and im quitting smoking cigarettes because they're gross and make you smell like shit...i need to get my shit together in school and quit fucking off
Jan 18, 2005 10:55
so im in german right now and bored as all fuck and listening to music...we have some crazy terrorists for a sub and hes stupid as hell so the whole class is just sitting around doing nothing.....
Dec 21, 2004 14:57
im out of this hell hole people call florida till january the 2nd communication except my cell damn its going to be fucking freezing....anywho ill see you unlucky bastards when i get back.....until then....take it easy and dont be sleazy
Dec 17, 2004 23:01
So tonight i was planning on seeing a movie with a few friends, however i didnt realize that few friends meant like 20 fucking people.....its not that i dont like all those people im just saying that that's a little out of hand but whatever no since in going on about it....who wants to get high saturday, sunday, or monday?? let me know nigglets
Dec 14, 2004 18:50
i finally have a mother fucking weekend off....and you know what that means.....drugs, drugs, and more drugs......anyone that wants to partake in these events....let me know
Dec 02, 2004 19:15
"everybody must get stoned"........
Nov 15, 2004 17:37
bmxer5014 (7:31:44 PM): sounds like a fucking ice cream flavour or something
A drug person could learn cope with things like seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth, but no body should be asked to handle this trip. This was the sixth right.
Oct 30, 2004 17:12
October went fast