If I could do just one near perfect thing I’d be happy

Jul 26, 2005 20:08

Body: How many total songs?  1198 songs, 3.7 days, 5.91GB

Sort by Song Title - first and last?
First: #41- Dave Matthews Band
Last: Zero- Smashing Pumpkins
Sort by Time - first and last?
First: Intro- Muse :22 seconds
Last: Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)- Pink Floyd 13:14
Sort by Album - first and last?
First: "9" - Eros Ramazotti
Last: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot- Wilco

Sort by Artist - first and last?
First: AC/DC
Last: The Wrens
Find "sex," how many songs show up?
Find "death," how many songs show up?
Find "love," how many songs show up?
Find "peace", how many songs show up?
Find "fuck", how many songs show up?

Today was ok.  Got good news about something work related, less stressful now.  My coworker who I work the most with is going on vacation, so i'm "in charge" of the career program until she gets back.  Great.

I had a breakthrough today and realized that i've had this particular livejournal for too long.  So i'm switching to a new one.

You'll find me if I want you to.

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