Four CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of:
1. All Barenaked Ladies CD's. (sorry - weak i know)
2. Breathe CD's (mmm hands to heaven)
3. Beatles Rubber Soul (mmmm norwegian wood)
4. All Guster CD's (and you thought i'd forget my boys?)
Four places you just have to go:
1. London! (must walk on Abbey Road crosswalk!)
2. Ireland
3. Scotland
4. Alaska
Four things you'd like to learn:
1. How to play an instrument (namely piano)
2. How to become a millionaire
3. How to sew
4. To fluently speak a second language.
Four beverages you drink frequently:
1. Water
2. Diet Coke
3. Hot Peppermint Tea
Four TV shows that were on when you were a kid:
1. Captain Kangaroo
2. Romper Room
3. Electric Company
4. Benson
Four TV shows you watch now:
1. Friends
2. The Amazing Race
3. CBS Monday LineUp
4. All Seinfeld Reruns
Four places to go in your area:
1. LLBean (or Beans to yocals)
2. Camden (ugh, is it wrong to be in love with a city?)
3. Portland (shopping & eating, what i do best!)
4. Pick a road in Maine and take a journey
Four things that never fail to cheer you up:
1. My husband laughing (he cries when he really gets going)
2. My big fat puppy
3. Music
4. Shopping (seriously, it does)
series 1 - you ]
{x} Name: Lara
{x} Birthdate: 4-16-1974
{x} Birthplace: San Antonio, Texas
{x} Current Location: Maine
{x} Eye Color: Brown (with an undeveloped part, my birthmark)
{x} Hair Color: Brown
{x} Right or Left-handed: Right
{x} Zodiac Sign: Aries
{x} Innie or Outtie: Innie
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
{x}Music: BNL, Guster, BC
{x}Cartoon: Recess
{x}Color: Blues and suddenly dark greens
{x}Slurpee Flavor: Coke flavored. Would LOVE to try the Vanilla one.
{x}Magazine: Entertainment Weekly
{x}TV Show: right now it's the Amazing Race - love it!
{x}Song: Too many to chose... Can't pick.
{x}Language: English
{x}Food: Truly sloppy Hamburgers & healthy Sushi
{x}Beverage: I'm afraid I am addicted to Diet Coke.
{x}Subject in School: History
{x}Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip or Bubblegum (Phish Food by B&J)
{x}Roller Coaster: No thanks.
[ series 3 - what is ]
{x}The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Smile
{x}The Best Name for a Butler: Jeeves
{x}The wussiest sport: Golf or Bowling
{x}Your best feature: Sense of Humor
{x}Your bedtime: depends
{x}Your greatest fear: loss
{x}Your greatest accomplishment: sadly, i do not know. get back to me when i finally get pregnant!
{x}Your most missed memory: my grandmother not being here to see me now.
[ series 5 - do/did you ]
{x}Take a shower everyday?: i HAVE to - i don't feel right if i don't take one every morning.
{x}Do you think you've been in love?: yes
{x}Like high school?: Loved it!
{x}Want to get married: Happily Married right now
{x}Type with your fingers on the right keys?: Never
{x}Believe in yourself?: Yes
{x}Have any tattoos/where?: No way!
{x}Have any piercings/where?: 2 in each ear
{x}Get motion sickness?: Nope
{x}Like thunderstorms?: Depends
[ series 6 - the future ]
{x}Age you hope to be married: N/A
{x}Numbers and Names of Children: Sadly, N/A
{x}Where do you see yourself at age 40?: still happily married, mother to at least 3 kids, soccer mom, homeroom mom, brownies/cub scout mom!
{x}Describe your Dream Wedding: Mine was a dream.
{x}How do you want to die?: When I'm 100, have a heart attack after jumping out a plane!
{x}What do you want to be when you grow up?: A good mother.
{x}What country would you most like to visit?: Great Britain
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
{x}Best eye color?: Doesn't matter
{x}Best hair color?: Doesn't matter
{x}Short or long hair?: short
{x}Best height?: Doesn't matter
{x}Best articles of clothing?: Nice fitting pants
{x}Best first date location?: i dunno
{x}Best first kiss location?: ...sitting in a tree...
[ series 8 - other ]
{x}When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: does my basset count?
{x}How many houses have you lived in?: 5 houses, 2 apartments
{x}How many relationships have you had?: 1
{x}What's the longest relationship you've ever had?: 12 years
{x}How many schools have you gone to? 4
{x}What color is your bedroom carpet?: no carpet
{x}Would you shave your head for $5000 dollars?: ABSOLUTELY!
{x}If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take?: Unlimited CD's with a solar powered player, unlimited food stuffs, My hubby
{x}What was the best time of your life so far?: Vacationing with my husband off the coast of Maine on a small island. Listening to the waves lap against the rocks as the lighthouse would turn. Heaven.
Have you ever:
{x} Fallen for your best friend? Yes
{x} Made out with JUST a friend? No
{x} Been rejected? Yes
{x} Been in love? Still am
{x} Had a "one night stand"? nope
{x} Used someone? Unfortunately, yes.
{x} Been used? don't know.
{x} Cheated on someone? No.
{x} Been cheated on? No.
{x} Done something you regret? Hasn't everyone?
so the funeral today was unbareable. so i babysat in the rectory with a few other people. a child's funeral is the worse possible thing i can think of. lost hope. just horrific.
basically been a slug before and after. didn't sleep last night. kept thinking of this poor family and what they are suffering through.