Rituana District: As though stepping right out of a steampunk movie, the Rituana District is the oldest part of the city, when it was first colonized nearly four hundred years prior. Victorian-Gothic, the entire place is full of houses overgrown with vines, cobblestone streets, and people who seem to live and dress like it's the 1920s (but at least they utilize modern conviences like computers and such). Because of the age of this district, there are many rumors of ghosts and demons roaming about, along with the standard warning that it's best to remain indoors after nightfall here.
Rituana Cemetary: The oldest, and largest cemetary in Desai, it has been around since Desai was colonized. In the center of the massive cemetary is a tall mausoleum that glows gold in the night, and stands tall and gray during the day. It's said that this is the central point for the Rituana hauntings and monster activity. True or not? Who knows?
Renfield’s Funeral Home - Ran by the same guy who’s famous for the slogan ‘You stab ‘em, we slab ‘em’ for P. J.’s Mortuary, it is a elegant if faded old fashioned family funeral home located two blocks from the old cemetery. It’s a four story Victorian styled home, with an extra large garage attached to the left side, painted a cheerful pale yellow on the outside and with faded burgundy or coral colored walls on the inside. The ground floor is where most funeral services are held and has a small serviceable kitchen to provide foods for wakes. The first floor is where the business offices and changing rooms are while the second and third floors are where the Renfield family lives. The basement is where the bodies are readied for visitation and burial. It is a very clean place, spotless and with a lot of light and there is a small full bath right before the stairs leading up so that anyone that has been servicing the bodies can clean up before heading back upstairs. On the other side of the basement is a ramp that leads into the garage and an elevator that opens up to the first floor and the garage as well. P. J. Renfield himself looks like a motorcyclist that has gone to fat - his is in his late thirties with a potbelly and a growing bald spot. The rest of his hair is long and blond and he styles it in a ponytail or two braids. He also has a heavy handbar mustache and tends to be very interested in bugs. He’s been married for twenty years and has a couple of kids that are near collage age now.
If you want to SUBMIT locations for me to consider? duadministration@gmail.com, okay?