Dec 06, 2004 13:09
Wow I might buy a car on Wednesday.
Pretty sweet deal.
Nov 02, 2004 15:26
I fear for our country.
Please let this election have a good ending.
Oct 22, 2004 00:47
Dear cook who just quit,
I fucking hate you. You are the second person to screw me over in a month at that place.
I hope something bad happens to you! Bleh!
Go die.
Love, Clark
Sep 14, 2004 01:07
If anyone needs a job or knows anyone who needs a job, tell them they can come be a cook at the Pizza Hut at Tapo and Alamo.
Besides that.... I hate school. Physics especially.
Jul 27, 2004 19:58
Tip your damn delivery drivers.
Because next time, it might be me.
You have been warned.
Jul 13, 2004 03:12
Freddy got fired today.
Sad day at Pizza Hut.
Fucking jerkoff manager... Ugh I hate him.
Jul 10, 2004 14:52
Anchorman is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.
All those cameos... Such great stuff.
I suggest you go see that.
Jul 06, 2004 02:12
Since everyone else is talking about their 4th:
Worked till 9.
Had to park at the Vons on Yosemite and LA and walk 3 blocks to my friend's house for fireworks.
Got to play WoW Beta a bit and FFT a lot. Good stuff.
Ya, pretty boring stuff.
Jul 04, 2004 15:46
My life has become consumed by Pizza Hut and Neverwinter Nights. Ugh.
Someone save me!
Jun 28, 2004 01:00
If you are reading this and have not seen Farenheit 9/11, you need to go do so right now.
That might be the most powerful movie I've ever seen. I don't care if it's liberal propoganda, it's what I was expecting.
But jesus, if I didn't already hate Bush.... I'm hopin' that the movie can change some peoples' minds to the light side.