Thank you, creator of the Anarchist's Cookbook. 3 successful loud as crap dry ice bombs. 1 successul tennis ball bomb that looked amazing upon explosion. Fun stuff if I do say so myself. 1 month of school left. Time to start a countdown, or is being in college a little past that?
Good thing astronomy rocks so hard that when I study it I fall asleep in 10 minutes. Another good thing.... our TV is broken. And an actually good thing, my dad is gonna teach me how to jump the motors in the fairlane this weekend so I can take the hardtop down and have a convertible!
For some reason I have that old Natalie Imbruglia song stuck in my head. What the hell is up with that?
Oi... I'm reading a debate about this 6 year old kid having a blue mohawk, and the principal washing his hair without permission. Anyone else think that that is messed up, or do you too wish for him to conform that early on?
So after I get off work last night, me, Blaine, and Garrett just hang around in the parking lot for like half an hour just playing with Blaine's stereo
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Anyone with an ear piercing or some other piercing ever get a large lump of skin or something growing around one of the holes? If you did, what the hell did you do to make it go away?