PART III: Resistance
Children of the Ancients-class gunship Rra'shaan
Tzed'lama'ruun stared out the forward viewport of the Rra'shaan in shocked horror as the enemy ships faded into vision. The forces under his command were far too far away from the rest of the battle group and on top of that, they had arrived several seconds ahead of schedule, giving the Accidents warning enough to interdict the system and keep the main battle group a ways back from the base. He would die today for certain; if not in battle for the glory of the Ancients, he would be killed for incompetence anyhow. What's done is done. If I have to die anyhow, I may as well make the best of it...or is there another way?
Tzed turned his com system to the private frequency for his division of the battle group. "Attention, all third division controllers! I want to push through these ships and destroy as much of that colony as we can before the rest of the battle group makes it through that asteroid field!" A flurry of acknoledgements came back over the com system. If his division could do most or all of the job themselves before the rest of the fleet even got within firing range, he might be able to remedy the situation. I might even beat Szul'cul'ama and graduate at the top of the class! The Rra'shaan and its sister ships plunged into the group of accident ships and all hell broke lose.
The pilot of the Rra'shaan jinked and juked the ship around as he weaved through enemy ships and fire. Suddenly, the bridge tower of an Excel-class picket ship loomed in the forward viewport. "Concetrate all fire on that bridge tower!" Tzed barked at his gunners. "But hold your super-torpedos for my mark." Phased gamma rays and conventional torpedos flared out at the bridge, weakening the shields. The shields grew weaker. The bridge grew closer. "Mark! Evasive manuevers! Get us out of the blast zone!" A super-torpedo streaked towards the bridge as the Rra-shaan pulled a snap-roll and dive to starboard that most ships larger than a snubfighter would have had trouble handling. The Children's ships, however, had exception speed and manueverability for ships their size and completed the manuever with ease. The bridge tower erupted in a giant ball of flame and debris behind them as the Rra-shaan streaked away. As they came back up from their dive, Tzed saw that the entire tower had been completely obliterated.
Suddenly, the Rra-shaan shuddered as a turbolaser blast caught its starboard aft. His smile suddenly gone, Tzed called for a damage report as he pulled himself back to his feet.
"Aft shields are gone and we've lost our trans-hyperdrive engines. Everything else seems fine," one of his bridge officers reported.
"Redirect energy from the forward shields to aft," Tzed ordered.
They made a straffing run on the belley of a Consticter-class Star Destroyer, doing minor damage as they passed, and took a few minor hits on the forward shield from the wing of TIE Interceptors that had launched from its hanger. Then they were past the fleet and Ahd-Phyllius loomed large in the forward viewport.
"Begin teleporting BA troopers into the Accident base as soon as we're within maximum range," Tzed instructed. He smiled inwardly. His task force would win this battle by themselves before the main battle group even got within firing range and he would be given the best initial command possible, he was sure of it.
Ahd-Phyllius Base
Jeth ran out of his room as soon as he could, even as he was still sealing his flight suit. Riina was already pulling on her helmet as they sprinted lightly towards the hanger. Alarms were still blaring throughout the base and General Osborne's voice could be heard over the intercom urging everyone to man their battlestations.
The main hanger was filled with pilots and mechanics scrambling to prepare the ships for launch. Most of the ships in the hanger were starfighters, C-Wings, X-Wings, TIE Defenders, and Clawcraft. There were also a few smuggling freighters and an occasional shuttle. Jeth and Riina sprinted lightly through the tangle of shis and personnel and keyed the door to the smaller side hanger used by Positive Squadron, the resistence movement's most elite fighter unit. Created specifically to fight the Negative Race, Positive Squadron had surpassed even Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron over the generations in which the Negs have been in occupation of the galaxy.
Jeth quickly scrambled up the access ladder to the cockpit of his C-Wing and began running through his preflight procedures as the rest of the squadron entered the hanger in twos and threes. Before long, the big roof doors slid open and the C-Wings rose into the tunnels that led the the Ahd-Phyllius surface. The base was located several kilometers underground to make it hard to locate as well as to discourage teleporting BA troopers directly into the base. Even if the Transfer Distortion Field Generators failed, the Negs would have to bring their ships almost down to ground level to teleport their BA troopers to the base.
[All units, report in,] Byjie's voice came over the comm. His comm unit didn't have the vocal distortion that was traditional for starfighters of New Republic or Galactic Alliance origin; it would have made his Wookiee speech unintelligable.
Jeth didn't pay much attention to the status reports of the first two flights, listening again when James Loran's affirmation of all-systems-go came through the comm, starting off the status reports for Three Flight.
"Ten here, ready to Balance the Equation," Seth's voice announced. Seth Fardreamer was supposed to be a direct descendant of Cole Fardreamer, the engineer who designed the C-Wing starfighter to preserve pilot lives during the Yuuzhan Vong war, shortly before the Negative Race invaded. Most parts of the galaxy had lost any histories dating back to before the Negative Race invaded, but the Jedi had preserved a sense of history well and Ahd-Phyllius