Pay Back

Oct 01, 2010 09:11

Once upon a time there was a Red Troll that live under the most well kept BRIDGE in all the land.  He was not mean like most other trolls.  It was probably because he love his bridge and always made sure it was always well kept.  There were no PEST, it was well LIT, and he always kept an EYE out for trouble makers.  To put it plainly all in the near by village loved having such a well kept bridge with such a benevolent keeper.  All except one, the Blue Troll on the other side of the village.

The Blue Troll's bridge was dangerous.  Bad people live in that area, and the Blue Troll would pay them no mind as he was more interested in the local PLAY HOUSE that he could look into from his bridge.  Because of his laziness he would not no charge the people for crossing the bridge and with out that money he could not repair  the things that were wrong with the bridge.

The Blue Troll would SAY to him self, "Old Red thinks his bridge is so great, I will show him one day."  But the Blue Troll would not do any work to make his bridge better.  He would just make WISHES and think cruel thoughts about the Red Troll, but the only thing that happened was his bridge fell into a deeper state of disrepair.

One day the village guards LOCKED up the bridge because people were falling through holes into the water and robbery was rampant.  The Blue Troll turned the color violet with rage and went to CALL on the Red Troll.

"Why is your Bridge so fine while my bridge has holes in it, no decent folk come one it, and the Guard lock it?!?  Is this your doing Old Red?!?"

The Red Troll wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "I did not even know there was an other bridge in this land,  for I only tend to what is mine."

That is when the Blue Troll realized that his pay back for neglecting his bridge has come back.

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