Wow, two posts in one night. That's a first for me.
I couldn't resist after Staci posted
this message on the dracohermionecommunity on YahooGroups.
Here's my take on this:
1) Jumping ‘ship to another is not an option even if JK Rowling says D/Hr isn’t going to happen in books 6 or 7.
2) Your only hope of reading new D/Hr fanfics is when other shippers
host a fic exchange, because you tend to gobble up all the newly posted
ones and you’ve read pretty much read all the other ones.
3) Someone posts a Lucius/Hermione fanart, and you save it as D/Hr so you can ogle it all you want.
4) CV is on your daily lists of sites to check.
5) The only things listed on your LJ interests are “Draco Malfoy,”
“Hermione Granger,“ ”Dramione,””Draco/Hermione,””Emma Watson,” and “Tom
6) You only read other ‘ship fics if there is a D/Hr side pairing
7) Dramione smut gets you through almost anything (annoying co-workers,
road rage, bad grades, frustrating men, and other RL bumps)
8) Despite the preponderance of crap, you check (with the
character settings permanently on “Draco Malfoy” and “Hermione
Granger”) on a daily basis because you still believe you’ll find a
fanfic treasure worth reading. And you do.
9) You’re slightly annoyed that there’s 265 less D/Hr stories than there are Snape/Hermione stories on
10) You firmly believe there is more to the scene in POA where Hermione
is suddenly without her robe and her Timeturner is exposed, as she
worriedly urges Hagrid to take Draco to the hospital after Draco is
attacked by Buckbeak.
11) You got wireless internet so you can read Dramione fics at various comfortable places at home.
12) You believe that Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black is JKR's subtle nod at D/Hr.
13) Draco/anybody-else-other-than-Hermione makes you gag
14) You love the author whose D/Hr fanfic disclaimer reads something like:
"Neither Draco nor Hermione belong to me. They belong with each other."
15) You are imagining Draco and Hermione as Raoul and Christine while watching the "Phantom of the Opera" movie, just because the actor has blondish hair and Emily Rossum has curly brown hair.
16) You can't remember fandom life pre-D/Hr (was there ever one?)
17) Red and green stop being Christmas colors and start being symbols of D/Hr and inter-house unity.
18) Several people post extensive lists of D/Hr fanfic recs, and you've already read all of them.
19) You get super-excited to learn that Hermione's wand core is dragon heartstring.
20) You were tickled when Tom Felton posted on his
blog : "Get the new DVD!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with Hermione and Draco Malfoy..."
21) Little kids with curly blond hair make you wonder if that's what Draco and Hermione's child would look like.
22) You have more of an online relationship with your fellow D/Hr shippers than you do with the person who got you into Harry Potter in the first place, because this person happens to be an avid R/Hr shipper.
23) You have saved over a thousand D/Hr fanfics on your hard drive.
24) You believe that Dramione is the best cure for sea sickness.
25) You're trying to go to bed but you keep thinking of stuff to add to this list!