SPN 5x18 episode reaction

Apr 19, 2010 23:05

Somewhat spoilery, so this'll be behind the cut:

- I wonder who was talking to Zachariah in the beginning. Was it really God, or just an angel higher in the ranks?
- Dean telling Sam that he'd lost faith in him a long time ago: ouch.
- Bobby with his bullet: ouch. But deserved. Dammit, Dean.
- Castiel KICKING DEAN'S ASS: \0/, and totally deserved. (I'm sensing a theme here)
- Adam! Well, I'm not surprised he sees his mom as family, and not his absent father or unknown brothers.
- Sam having faith in Dean, when nobody else has: yay!
- The green room. In an abandoned factory. Hee!
- Okay, so Zachariah was kind of awesome. In a smarmy way.
- "Erotically co-dependent"! A+++
- Dean's wink to Sammy! ♥
- Brothersssssssssss. Talking! And (hopefully!) working things out! ♥♥

Also: I've just started on the fourth season of Dexter, and am slowly but surely catching up on Fringe and Veronica Mars. \o/


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