Am I bored, a little. Am I insane, most deffinitly.
1-Put your music player on shuffle.
2-Press forward for each question.
3-Use the song title as the answer to the question.
How am I feeling today?
James BOnd 007(techno remix) [ok, I'm all secret agent like today...]
Will I get far in life?
Walk Through the FIre ~Buffy the Musical [only if I go head on I guese]
How do my friends see me?
Breathe ~Jeremy Camp [Alternitive Christian music...Ya that fits]
When will I get Married? (no)
What if God was One of us? ~Joan Osbourne [um, I'm right no, I'm married to God.... THis is too confusing]
What is my best friend's theme song?
Ma na ma nah ~THe Muppets [YES!!!!! YOu are all my best friends, and at least some of us have song this together randomly]
What is the story of my life?
Sonething Bad ~Wicked [Political conspericies??? WHat???!!!!!]
What was highschool like?
Beaking The Habit ~Linkin Park [most deffinitly]
How am I going to get ahead in life?
Tell Me YOu Love Me ~DOn't Accrually Know [Insanity, that's it, Insanity]
What is the best thing about me?
God is a DJ ~Pink [I'm God, what's better?]
How is today going to be?
Light my Candle ~RENT [NOOOOO! I'm going to be hit on by a random stripper with a candle!!!!]
What is in store for this weekend?
Grounded ~OC SUpertones [*blinks* Chrisian rockin?? ok, works for me]
What song describes my parents?
Beelz ~Stephen Lynch [ok, no, no, my Dad would love the song, but no]
How is my life going?
One Short Day ~Wicked [*nods* if THe Emrald City is a metiphor for NYC then good]
What song will they play at my funeral?
I Did it My Way ~Old Blue Eyes [oh please, someone has to!]
How does the world see me?
Original of the Species ~U2 [I'm not sowling down world, sorry]
Will I have a happy life?
Green Apple ~Puffy Ami Yumi [random Jpop I don't understand=Happy life]
Do people secretly lust after me?
Out Tonight ~RENT [*twiches* OH WHY!!!!!!!]
How can I make myself happy?
Tonight ~OC SUppertones [I have to wait till judgement day?? (it's a song about the CHristian end of the world)]
What should I do with my life?
LIthiam ~Evanescence [Go on with life, ignoring pit falls, works]
Will I ever have children?(yes)
Shadows ~12 Stones [um, Yes?? Little ALternitive CHristian CHildren???]
What is some good advice for me?
Remedy ~Seether [um, I'm not to sure if I commpletely agree with that]
What is my signature dancing song?
Eternal Flower ~From Ai Yori Aushi [Japanese Love song, I guese, I'd need a partner though]
What do I think my current theme song is?
Holding OUt FOr a Hero ~From Shreck 2 [*blinks* am I the hero, or do I need one????]
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
SOng for Ireland ~THe Corrs [I am working on going to Ireland,a nd talk about it a good amount]
What type of men/women do you like?
Today Four YOu ~RENT [.......NO!.....]
What kind of kisser are you?
Amazing Grace ~as song by the Irish Tenor [sorry, a low barritone can't kiss like a tenor]
What's your style?
SUrrender ~Evanescence [ok, conffidence, a darkness, that should work]
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Call me When YOur SOber ~Evanescence [well with me it can only be read one way, I'll have a relasionship with a drunk, oh great]