The Basics..
Name: Amanda-Michelle
Location: Canada,
London Ontario
Age/birthday: 14, January 29 1990
Sex: Female
Marital status (single/taken): Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Band: Linken Park
Singer:Christina Aguliera
Song: Fighter
Movie: Thirteen
Book: Jarrasic Park
Food: Chicken Wings
Do you have any talents? I really don't.
If you were given one wish, what would it be? To never have to worry about money
Who is your role model?
Paris Hilton... I'm obbsessed.
What is your best/worst feature? best My Stomach, Worst My forehead
Homosexual relationships: Go for it, you
love who you
love. I have a lot of respect for gays who are open about it... It would suck to be unaccepted for something you cant change.
Abortion: I'm pro choice...and I think it's wrong to put laws on peoples bodies.
Politics: I live in Canada... I don't think about that stuff... I think about Ice skating and poler bears and how cold it is outside (haha) No, but seriously..I really have no opinion on a state I dont live in.
War: War should be avoided at any cost.
Piercings/tattoos: I have 6 piercings. No tattos yet :(
Something random about yourself: (Something random but not funny) My second toe is larger then my Big toe.
What will you bring to this community? I'm a
promotion whore..and I'm active
Why do you feel you should be accepted? When peoplke ask that question I think of the guy from Mr. Gadget who strokes the cat and says "I'll get you Next
time Mr.Gadget. Oh right..anyway I feel I should be acccepted because I'm super friendly and easy going and I could be a great addition to your community.
Promote us to at least 3 communites or journals. Give us the direct link. we want to see your gorgeous face. At least 3 clear
pictures of yourself.