The past week...

Nov 06, 2008 00:41

If you care at all what I've been up to in the past week:

the Obama election:

Go to the 6th page, it is a video called something like "Obama's Southland Alma Mater Celebrates..."

the prop 8 protest:

Prop 8 passed in California. It is a constitutional amendment on gay marriage, which for the past 5 months, has been legal in the ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

lux_angelis November 6 2008, 19:34:16 UTC
How'd it go?

A lot of people are getting together to fight it on the basis that the popular vote shouldn't have been used to decide a civil rights issue that amends the constitution.

I'm backing anything that will get this overturned, all the way.

Let me know what I can do to help, please?


bodaciousk15 November 7 2008, 19:08:16 UTC
It went really well. The fight against this prop needs visibility.
I think the whole thing is bogus, this is the danger of California's direct democracy system.


brett_w_is_here November 7 2008, 05:57:11 UTC
I heard about that protest, that's cool that you were there. I was really surprised prop 8 passed... I thought all the polls were showing that it wouldn't.


bodaciousk15 November 7 2008, 19:07:04 UTC
Yeah, that's what a lot of people thought. I am really upset about it.


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