So. 'Closing Time'
- On one hand, yes, Cybermen are creepy. On the other... Cybermen? Again?
- Oh Craig. I love Craig. He's so perfectly human. He's the humans the rest of us are - not like the companions, who can somehow abandon their lives at a whim and go see the stars like we really want to, but who have families and lives and things but still try anyway.
- No, I'm just gonna say it again - Cybermen again. Sigh.
- Okay, I know Ten went and 'visited' his old companions and stared at them longingly and did the whole angst thing... but Eleven watching Amy and Rory? That was somehow worse. Oh Doctor.
- On one hand, I'm glad Craig defeated the Cybermen almost entirely on his lonesome. But, the message behind it is kinda sad. Do we not need a hero anymore?
- DANG IT. C'mon, Moffet, my theory was so good, how can it be River in that suit? I still hold that this is the Flesh!Doctor, and not the original, and that's why he gets his age wrong and forgets that he doesn't like wine. *clings to this theory so hard*
- Now I'm sad River shot the hat. It was the hat from Craig, his mate. It was funny when she did it, but now... it's like shooting what Craig stands for. :( River, stop shooting the hats.
- .... What do you mean, Season Finale? Already? Whut?
To sum up: I liked it better than 'God Complex'... but, not the favorite.