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Comments 9

kits_the_dm January 15 2006, 02:07:46 UTC
Its your house. Your friends should understand this.

I'm a smoker, all my friends know this.
However, when I go to the houses of friends who don't smoke, I either take my little anti-social behaviour outside or(if its a totally smoke-free house) I don't light up at all.

So yeah, its within your call to ask your friends to stop drinking in your home, and as friends, they should stop drinking, and either go elsewhere for a drink/smoke etc. I don't think you've done anything unreasonable, nor do I think that you took things too far.


bound_up_doll January 15 2006, 03:38:04 UTC
is there any way to talk to them sober? because i can't see one point where you're in the wrong ( ... )


bodnoirbabe January 15 2006, 12:26:51 UTC
It made perfect sense. Thanks Brit!


bound_up_doll January 15 2006, 15:42:14 UTC
ahh, from the mouths of babes< 3


euterpe_81 January 15 2006, 07:31:25 UTC
real friends respect your wishes even when it's 'inconvenient' for them. sounds like they're more interested in running roughshod over your wishes rather than being friends and trying to salvage a friendship.

you're SO not in the wrong here. you tried to do it nicely even though really at this point, if this is all they ever do, you certainly didn't have to try to reason with them again.


evilydelicious January 15 2006, 16:47:53 UTC
I don't understand how hard it is for people to understand when they are in someone else's house they can't do whatever the hell they want.
You're right to have told them to calm down the drinking and get upset when they don't follow your rules. I can't believe she would turn it into a whole " you're changing for a man and you're throwing away our friendship."
And who wants to sit around with puke soaking into their carpet, I mean seriously?? Thats a stink that just don't fade sometimes.

I am way too big myself so I can understand your choice for your health, in fact when I switched to diet soda I dropped a few inches quickly because the sugar really gets to you, if Erica can't understand that you need to take care of your health than she isn't a good friend to have anyway.

So in closing yeah you were right. =)


*snugs* BnB childethereal January 16 2006, 00:17:33 UTC
I wuv you Cait. I promise Jake and I will be awesome house guests.

And miss Delicious, I admit I don't know you, but I used to work in a gym and I just want to warn you that diet sugars will eventually make you gain more weight because your body will react to the chemicals it's made of. You'd be better off slicing fruit into your water. Grapefruit, lemon, and lime wedges are awesome.

(and no, I'm not some skinny person saying this, I'm big too. Fake sugars can also lead to diseased like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which mess up your fertility. I have it, and it sucks. Be careful. :)


Re: *snugs* BnB bodnoirbabe January 16 2006, 01:54:12 UTC
I'm not worried about you an Jake, Love. I think you two are great, and even though we've never met in person, I just know you'll be a nicer guest then my friends. I'm not worried in the least!


Re: *snugs* BnB evilydelicious January 16 2006, 11:22:39 UTC
Thanks for the warning. I don't drink as much soda as I used to I am more of a juice and water girl now a days.

Btw you do know me kinda silly. I'm SinfullyShocking in the dungeon.


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