Железо на складе iHerb

Nov 14, 2015 21:22

Solgar, Gentle Iron, 25 mg, 180 Veggie Caps $16.08
Iron (as iron bisglycinate chelate)

Now Foods, Iron, 18 mg, 120 Veggie Caps $7.00
Iron (from Ferrochel Iron Bisglycinate)

Препаратами железа, лидирующими на iHerb - являются эти два продукта на основе бисглицинат хелата железа.

Препараты железа и их дозировка должны назначаться врачом.

  • Бисглицинат-хелат железа представляет собой достаточно растворимый хелатный комплекс, отличающийся центральным атомом металла, Fe(II), тетракоординированным двумя хелатирующими агентами (глицинами) и соответствующий следующей структурной формуле (I):

    Донорно-акцепторная связь атома азота вносит вклад в стабилизацию энергии орбиталей центрального атома металла и геометрию связывающего агента, образуя пятичленное кольцо.

    Это соединение также известно из-за своей переносимости, безопасности и высокой биодоступности (Jeppsen R.B. Toxicology and safety of Ferrochel and other iron amino acid chelates. Arch. Latino Am. De Nutr., 2001, 51(1), 26-34; Opinion if the Scientific Panel on Food Additives, Flawourings, Processing Aids and materials in Contact with Food on a request from the Commission related to Ferrous bisglycinate as a source of iron for use in the manufacturing of foods and in food supplements. EFSA Journal, 2006, 299, 1-17).

    Из литературных данных известно, что такой хелатный комплекс имеет более высокую биодоступность относительно минеральных солей, таких как, например, сульфат железа, поскольку он всасывается в неизмененном виде слизистой кишечника и, таким образом, не подвергается никакой модификации в желудочно-кишечной системе (Pineda O. et al., Effectiveness of iron amino acid chelate on the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in adolescents. Journal of appl. Nutr., Vol. 46, Numbers 1-2, 1994; Pineda O., Effectiveness of treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia in infants and young children with ferrous bis-glycinate chelate, Nutrition, 2001, 17(5), 381-384).

    Стабильность связи, которую доказывает факт, что продукт не гидролизуется при различных значениях рН желудочно-кишечного отдела, и невысокий молекулярный вес (204 дальтона) обеспечивают максимальное всасывание при пероральном приеме (DeWayne H.A., The absorption and metabolism of iron amino acid chelate. Arch. Latino Am. De Nutr., 2001, 51(1), 7-12; Marchetti M. et al., Comparison of the rates of vitaminic degradation when mixed with metal sulphates or metal amino acid chelates, J. Food Comp. Anal., 2000, 13, 875-884).

    Только пероральная терапия с помощью бисглицинат-хелата железа по настоящему изобретению давала значительное повышение исследуемых параметров крови (сывороточного железа, ферритина, гемоглобина) у страдающих от анемии пациентов с целиакией и устраняла побочные эффекты (желудочно-кишечные и другие), возникающие вследствие приема традиционных солей железа с помощью как перорального, так и внутривенного введения.
    © FindPatent.ru - патентный поиск, 2012-2015

  • Эффект после приёма сульфата железа и бисглицинат хелата железа (30 мг) на уровень ферритина школьников Мексики.
    Effect of supplementation with ferrous sulfate or iron bis-glycinate chelate on ferritin concentration in Mexican schoolchildren
    Two hundred schoolchildren from public boarding schools in Mexico City who had low iron stores as assessed by serum ferritin concentration but without anemia were randomly assigned to a daily supplement of 30 mg/day of elemental iron as ferrous sulfate or iron bis-glycinate chelate for 12 weeks.
    Ferritin concentration increased significantly between baseline and post-supplementation as well as between baseline and 6 months after supplementation. One week post-supplementation no difference was found in ferritin concentration between iron compounds, but 6 months after supplementation ferritin concentration was higher in the group that received bis-glycinate chelate iron.
    Supplementing with 30 mg/d of elementary iron, either as ferrous sulfate or iron bis-glycinate chelate for 90 days, showed positive effects on increasing ferritin concentration in schoolchildren with low iron stores, and this effect persisted 6 months after supplementation.
    The results of our study showed that a low iron dose of 30 mg/day for 90 days with either ferrous sulfate or iron bis-glycinate chelate significantly increased serum ferritin concentration in schoolchildren with low iron stores but no anemia and had negligible side effects. The effect on increased iron status was sustained up to 6 months after supplementation, rendering both treatments as safe and effective. These results support the preventive effectiveness of this low-dose iron intervention to increase serum ferritin, which will help prevent iron deficiency anemia and may be relevant where iron deficiency is a public health concern and where a preventive daily low dosage of iron supplementation can be used to help the school-age population maintain an adequate nutritional iron status.
    Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Av. Cuauhtemoc No. 330, CP 06725 México, DF, México
    RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California 90407, USA
    Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Dr. Marquez No. 162, CP 06720 México, DF, México
    Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Universidad No. 658, CP 62100 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
    5Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
    Nutr J. 2014; 13: 71.
    Published online 2014 Jul 15. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-13-71

  • Effectiveness of treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in infants and young children with ferrous bis-glycinate chelate
    We concluded that ferrous bis-glycinate chelate is the iron of choice for the treatment of infants with iron-deficiency anemia because of its high bioavailability and good regulation.
    Latin American Center for Nutrition and Metabolic Studies, Antigua, Guatemala
    Nutrition. 2001 May;17(5):381-4.

  • Добавление бисглицинат хелата железа (2 мг) в булочки на протяжении 6 мес. привело к ощутимому улучшению показаний гемоглобина и ферритина дошкольников из семей низкого соц.экон. уровня (Бразилия).
    The use of sweet rolls fortified with iron bis-glycinate chelate in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in preschool children
    The effectiveness of bread fortified with iron bis-glycinate chelate for the control of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia was evaluated in 89 preschool children from families of low socioeconomic level attending 2 day nurseries of the Sao Paulo City Council. During the intervention's time of 6 months the children received besides their usual center's diet, a daily supplement of two sweet rolls fortified with 2 mg each of iron from the chelate for a total daily iron intake of 4 mg. After six months of intervention there was a significant decrease in the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia from 62 to 22%.
    The total mean plasma ferritin values increased from 11.34 to 20.2 micrograms/L, and in those children originally iron depleted the ferritin values normalized.
    We concluded that the use of sweet rolls fortified with 2 mg of iron from the bis-glycinate chelate is highly effective for the control of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in young children.
    Health and Nutrition Research Center, San Marcos University, Federal University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2001 Mar;51(1 Suppl 1):48-53

  • Приём 15 мг бисглицинат хелат железа оказался более эффективным, чем приём 40 мг. сульфата железа (в исследовании принимали участие беременные женщины).
    Relative effectiveness of iron bis-glycinate chelate (Ferrochel) and ferrous sulfate in the control of iron deficiency in pregnant women
    The relative effectiveness of daily supplementation of iron deficiency during pregnancy using 15 mg/day of iron from iron-bis-glycinate chelate (71 pregnant women), or 40 mg iron from ferrous sulfate (74 pregnant women) was evaluated by measuring hemoglobin, transferrin saturation and serum ferritin, at the beginning of the study (< 20 weeks of pregnancy) and at 20-30 weeks and 30-40 weeks thereafter.
    Daily supplementation with Ferrochel was significantly more effective, in spite of the lower dose, than supplementation with ferrous sulfate.
    Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
    Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2001 Mar;51(1 Suppl 1):42-7

    Препараты железа на iHerb

    Железо (пост dash_v)

    Для сравнения
    Solgar Gentle Iron, 25 mg. 180 капсул на iHerb - $16.08
    90 капсул (в 2 раза меньше) в Израиле - 87 шек. ($22)
    90 капсул в России (И-нет-аптека) - 1022 руб. ($15.6)

    Витамины и БАДы для детей (iHerb)
  • Здоровье, Покупки_iHerb, Исследования

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