Okay So, I love the whole episode, but I just live for Nathan. Nathan an Matt, Nathan and Bob, Nathan and Nikki. OMG, they were so amazing together, I could barely breathe. Adrian, will you come here and marry me? plzkthx.
Hiro, well, I knew he was Kensei. I've seen enough Star Trek to know, if you fuck with the Space-Time continuum, the future changes lickety split. No change, no fuck up. Hiro = Kensei. Still, he broke my heart, I totally cried when he left his Princess. TOTALLY did not see the twist at the end coming, though, but I guess it makes sense. Damn, that guy is an SOB and I love it!
Matt and Molly. OMG, I live for them only a little less than I love for Nathan. I love how much strength Matt derives from his love for Molly, how much courage she gives him. He's a completely new man.
Mohinder, well, I feel like he's kind of being the Sucre of the show right now: its a good thing he's pretty, because sometimes I wonder about his smarts. It seems like he's just making enemies these days: being honest with Bob about Bennett puts him in Bennett's bad books, and probably had Bob on the alert now for betrayal.
Loved Nikki this ep, but kinda wished there was more Micha and more Sylar. I'm really liking those two threads, though no more than anything else. It just sucks when you get gipped on one storyline for a week ;P
LOVE Claire. She is just...so awesome. I hope West comes around, because he is just sweet as pie. It was seriously DADDY-OH-NOES when it was a terrible convergence, and I was so sad for Claire when West just took off. I really like that Claire is standing up to her father, it's like she's the conscience that he needs, if he would only listen to her. I guess when you're trying to stop a prophetic painting, you put on the blinders...
Peter...well, he's hotter this season, which is a plus. I liked him and Mama P in the future, but all in all he kind of bores me. Hopefully with the help of his new mentor he can be a little less lame. If he goes Emo again over Caitlin, though, I say give him the virus and put us out of his misery.
So yeah. My thoughts on this week. I want more Nathan. It must be really difficult for him, since to find his brother he would have to go on a hunt through time possibly...maybe we can look forward to some more Nathan/Hiro awesomeness?
Hiro: "Flying man!"
Nathan: "Oh jeez. Here we go again..."