I've been confronted with an inordinate amount of information that has made me reflect on high school life recently. I was dangerously close to attending my 10 year high school reunion at the behest of one of the few people from high school I still keep in touch with, until that friend dropped off the face of the internets and refused to confirm he was going to be there. I canceled that flight. My hope is that he hasn't offed himself.
My mom wanted to talk about some girl I went to HS with yesterday, I've overheard several conversations harking back to HS lately, and then I came upon
this meme the other day in my time-wasting at work.
Since it seems sometimes that a certain degree livejournal's success was founded on the principle that teenagers are overly self-indulgent, I've decided it would be fitting to indulge myself with some live-journaling that will make me cringe when I look back upon it.