A man was in the restroom when an Irish man came in and stood next to him at the urinal. The first man just happened to look down and saw the man had an enormous penis. Knowing he would sound weird if he said anything, he tried to keep it in. But, he finally couldn't stand it. "I didn't want to say anything, but you've got the biggest penis I've ever seen!" "Well, thank you. I gave it to myself, I'm a leprechaun! I will give you three wishes if you like?" "Sure!" said the first guy. "1st Id like an enormous mansion" "Done, you'll wake up in it tomorrow" "2nd I'd like a beautiful girlfriend." "Sure, you'll wake up with her next to you in the morning." "3rd, I'd like a penis the size of yours!" "OK, but I will have to butt-fuck you first." Since the guy wants all this so badly he says OK and drops his pants and bends over. The first guy looks up and says, "I can't believe I'm gonna have a penis the size of yours!" And the guy answers, "I cant believe you think I'm a leprechaun!"