
Aug 16, 2011 15:41

[Yuki did not drink the milk.

Yuki was the only one in her house.

Come the Milkman's afternoon rounds, a strange lull seems to fall over the area of 751 Partridge Drive as the white-clothed man skips cheerfully on his way.  Nothing explodes, nothing collapses, but it becomes, suddenly, very still.  The wind dies, the air becomes stale, and ( Read more... )

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Comments 38

I felt like being awful doublerinbow August 17 2011, 02:35:16 UTC
[out walking her cute little german shepherd puppy to get a break from hallucinating Teddie and oh my god puppy just melted]




Oh, noooo. T_T tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 02:43:31 UTC
[Yuki pauses in her tracks and smiles when she sees someone walking along the sidewalk towards her. She'll hurry forward in a clumsy sort of manner, holding a hand out.]

O-Oh, please wait. Don't you want to come see the rest of the flowers...?

[..............Her hand ends in a knife blade.]


8D;;; doublerinbow August 17 2011, 02:52:29 UTC
Hell no! ♪

Y-Y-You just melted Len!

[whoops, she meant to say Lenlen, but this is kind of breaking her brain to begin with]

And that flower-

[NO WAIT SCREW THIS she's backing away from that knife hand]

Don't do that! ♪


tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 03:00:14 UTC
[Yuki continues to reach out. ...Far past the limits of how far she ought to be able to reach, the blade is still slowly extending.]

Please come with me. I... I really don't want to go alone...


sosnarrator August 17 2011, 03:58:16 UTC

(Oh god, what the hell is that!?)

... Nagato!?


tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 12:13:18 UTC

[Yuki turns her gaze to the ground, her face immediately beginning to glow red. ...Somewhat unnaturally, actually. Is it Kyon, or has it suddenly become extremely hot?]

Kyon. ...I was hoping to see you.


sosnarrator August 17 2011, 12:15:22 UTC
(Oh crap, she's seen me. This can't be good. Why can't I just keep my damn mouth shut?)

O-oh really?


tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 12:23:07 UTC
[Something nearby catches on fire. Perhaps the air. Yuki continues to blush endearingly.]

Of course.

...I always want to see you.


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tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 13:58:32 UTC
[Luckily for Bugs, the drone fails to fully recognize him as a target of interest. He gets a single utterance.]

Oh! Bunny...

[He may wish to pirouette away from the spikes that continue to shoot out randomly, though.]


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tenderoblivion August 17 2011, 19:03:22 UTC
[As Yuki continues on her quiet rampage, she seems to be inspired by the music. A rain of spears begins to plummet from the sky, reminiscent of those hurled by women warriors atop winged horses.]


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