1. If you could own only one color underpants what color would they be? er, white's quite fine. most of my underoos are white anyways.
2. What was the last thing you bought? contact solution. my life is boring.
3. Most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? ew, sardines at ecology camp. disgusting.
4. Worst Valentine's Day Memory? well, this past valentines day i was in the ER with a grave's disease-related panic attack. i swear to god, the more i look at my life in retrospect, the more i roll my eyes with how very very lame it is.
5. Favorite cereal? total. it's the best bran cereal in the world. and i'm a serious cereal connoisseur. god. every single question on this survey makes me lamer and lamer. i should probably quite while i'm ahead, eh? no, i'm a glutton for punishment.
6. Last time you had an alcoholic beverage? i suppose that'd be last week at rachel schwartz's house...a jaeger bomb. or five. and so co.
7. What color shoes do you own the most of? about 12 pairs of black sandals.
8. Greatest lesson learned to date? ehh, when in doubt, read harry potter. introspection can lead to insanity...ain't i the expert.
9. Most useless thing you own? i just found a container of congealed glitter that somebody bought me in eighth grade. i'd never used it. that would be the most useless thing i own, but i threw it away.
10. One thing you wish you could do? have a worthwile life. or figure out what that is. sorry, i'm in a cynical "god everything is so fucking exasperating" mood. well, i'm usually like that.
11. Earliest childhood memory? standing on the railing of my crib when i was 2 or 3, calling out to mom--"mom, watch me balance!" very vivid.
12. Job your dad had when you were born? a test engineer at johnson's controls
13. Job your mom had when you were born? either she was a stay at home mom or a crossing guard part time...i don't remember when she started that job.
14. Weirdest thing hanging on your wall? haha. a cardboard cutout picture of a bear holding balloons that say "jesus loves me". i think it was a baby thing. mom refused to let me take it down.
15. Something in your room that you've had for a while but you've never opened? well, my tv. and dvd player. and coffee maker. and toaster. i'm saving those for my dorm room.
16. Best quote you've heard/read? i'm too cynical to think of something profound or even clever, so i'm going to take it from dumbledore and say a few words: nitwit, oddment, blubber, and tweak.
17. Book you are currently reading? dunno. just finished HBP again. i might read refuge now if i'm in the mood. it all depends.
19. Last movie you watched? i caught the last five minutes of "flight of the navigator" when i was eating dinner. haha. for some reason it reminded me of justin a lot.
20. Last gift you recieved? holly got me pommegranate (probably butchered that spelling, i'm too lazy to look it up right now) juice and a "magic smokey bubbler" (a real children's toy...it's a colorful oddly shaped bubble blower that features a picture of a tripped out crazy scientist on the cover. seriously people, be a little less obvious...) as get well presents. oh yeah, and rachel brought me a card and yellow wildflowers and some yummy cookies. aww. thanks guys.
21. Most retarded thing you've done recently? god, what haven't i done. i say idiotic things to people every day.
22. Best sport? chess. haha.
23. College of choice? well, i'm going to uw-milwaukee.
24. Band whose cd's you own the most of? own? well, most of my cd's are burned. the most real ones i actually own are probably enya's. because nobody i know likes her and i can't burn any from them. haha. yeah, i'm bad, i'm sorry.
25. Last concert you attended? moby
26. Last vacation you went on? aside from my mini trips to milwaukee (not really vacations), i went to the florida keys on a marine bio trip over easter break this past spring. kicked ass.
27. Last time you stayed up past 5am? yeah, july 16. HBP. stayed up till about 8:30 am, actually.
28. Full name? katherine lynn pennell.
29. Where were you born? watertwon, WI
30. Pet Peeve? people. haha. no...people who never ever ever ever leave me alone. *cough*mom*cough* and lots and lots of other things. usually i feel like a grouchy old man.
31. Best feature (in your opinion)? christ, these questions are lame. i suppose my hair. people seem to like that.
32. Worse feature (in your opinion)? er...everything else? no, i actually decided today that i'm as attractive as i need to be, my features aren't grotesque, and that's fine. people don't have to like the way i look. that having been said, my worst feature...i suppose i would prefer my skin to be a little less ruddy. i'm always goddamn red.
33 got cut.
34. Pirate or Ninja? they're both pretty cool. but ninja.
35. Pirate or Jedi? again, both pretty cool. but jedi.
36. Jedi or Ninja? k, people, this is becoming even more exasperating. jedi.
37. Ninja or old man? old man, of course.
38. What color would your lightsaber be? i took a quiz to find this out, the wise people at quizilla told me it would be purple, like mace windu. too bad he died.
39. How many calendars do you have? well, one for 2005, but i saved my monet, van gogh, and lotr original handpainted (from when jrr tolkein release the books) calendars for the pictures. i want to get a moon calendar.
40. Romeo+Juliet or Moulin Rouge? moulin rouge. it was my favorite for a good long time. and i'm in love with the bohemian revolution. obviously.
41. Jedi Ewan McGregor or Lovesick puppy Ewan McGregor? jedi, of course. way hotter. but then, jedi aren't really allowed to be lusty....
42. got cut
43. Lord of the Rings or Star Wars? LOTR of course. hands down.
44. Stilettos or tennis shoes? er, flip flops.
45. Shakira or Natalie Portman? Natalie Portman.
46. Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom? both very hot, but i only like orlando bloom when he's got elf ears and long blond hair and a bow and arrow, and i like johnny depp whenever wherever whomever, so i suppose i'll go with johnny depp.
47. France or Canada? canada, purely for the geography.
48. Most played song on your playlist? christ, i don't know. i suppose i played eli the barrow boy rather more than necessary.
49. What do you collect? haha. i suppose flip flops. yeah, i'm really really really lame. i hope you've gathered that by now.
50. Ever stolen a street sign? i was an accessorie in the theivery of a caution sign from main street at 3 pm in broad daylight in ben fuller's car. i like to think of myself as ballsy.
51. Dumbledore or Gandalf? goddamn, they're both awesome. i suppose i've got a closer relationship to dumbledore at this point.
52. What did the last text message you recieved say? yeah, i'm cell-less.
53. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? kevin.
54. Who was the last person you talked to online? i've kind of sworn off signing on to msn lately. it just annoys me. so the last person i think was alberto van hecke about radiohead's amnesiac.
55. Last thing you ate? a veggie burger & salad.
56. Favourite comedian? er, don't have one in particular. i'm rather fond of ryan stiles, colin mockery, and wayne brady. whose line is damn great.
57. Hair color? red
58. Last time you cried? in the car this past weekend, screaming myself hoarse and trying to make my mother hear just one word i was saying.
59. One thing you wish was in your room right now? a computer.
60. Last thing you did on a whim? er, i suppose drinking as much as i damn well please and screwing curfew at that party last week. whatever, i don't go out often, and when i do, there might as well be a reason for doing so.
61. Foreign countries you've been to? sadly, never been out of the country.
62. States you've been to? florida, illinois, indiana, iowa, washington d.c., virginia, massachussetts, pennsylvania, ohio, missouri, tennessee, mississippi, minnesota. there may have been more, i road tripped from wisconsin to w.d.c., from WI to ohio, and from WI to tennessee, so there were plenty.
63. Ever been in a car crash? no.
64. Last song that made you cry? america by simon & garfunkle. didn't cry, just got teary.
65. Last cd you bought? god. bought? i suppose crosby, stills, nash, & young, "so far".
66. How many cds have you bought this year? like, one or two.
67. Favourite word? there are far too many, but just for kicks, flatulent.
68. Last thing you got mad about? mom creating a hand-shaped welt on my leg.
69. Winter or Summer? winter.
70. How many sharpies do you currently own? a few, but some dried out.
71. Best kiss? i dunno. every single girl i've kissed has been monumentally better than every guy i've kissed. the guys were all pretty dismal, though.
72. Best sex? meh. i haven't had enough to choose. i prefer willy to those experiences.
73. Most romantic kiss? romance hasn't been present in my life. it's mostly been lust so far.
74. Most naked you've been in front of someone else? er, completely?
75. Ever been skinny dipping? yeah, at the peer helper retreat
76. Your biggest wish right now? that i'll heal from surgery quickly and come into windfalls of money before going off to school.
77. Thing you’d like to change the most right now? er, grand social change? the age of aquarius can just fricking dawn already....
78. If you could change one thing about school, what would it realistically be? yeah, i can't beat heidi's answer. make gym a useful class, increase reading and at a younger age, make learning more hands on and useful. and honest and open.
79. If you could take back any choice you've made in life, what would it be? i would've steered clear of mom's scissors and cut my own bangs in fourth grade...heh heh.