Title: Through the Glass
Pairing: Cath/Sara (B-Duh!)
Song: Through the Glass
Artist: Stone Sour
Director: Jocelyn Brant
Cath/Sara - "Through the Glass" X-Posted on
my journal.
ETA: Youtube is being a minx, so it might be "unavailable"... but it will be there soon enough. It works about half the time for me, so maybe it's just me. Keep trying!
Comments 3
Hahah just kidding, this was good! The scene lengths were waaaaaaaaaaay better. Keep it up, more more more!
More more more, huh? I have plenty of ideas, but one specifically... I just don't think anyone will like it -- HA! When has that ever stopped me? No, it's more to the point that the song is kind of long and I don't know if I can find enough "appropriate" clips to go with it... We'll see... will be a total farce; enough of this serious crap!
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