So I'm back in Leicester again, for the first time since I left school. I couldn't sleep at all yesterday morning, couldn't bear the thought of missing those last few hours with Alex - but in the end I was so caught up in the act of leaving (I don't like leaving people, but I've always loved leaving places) it didn't emotionally hit me until after
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Comments 7
oh and i LOVE the new look! im so jealous! my journal is still all cookie cutter style..bleh
I adore the new layout! It's utterly, utterly you, and so gorgeous and classics-ish. It's even got your scarf!
The boxroom issue is indeed crap, but it really is only a week. I hope you'll find somewhere in Cambridge that will almost instantly be yours, even if it's not your room. Sometimes I come across spaces like that; they're not really home, but you can at least feel at peace, which would probably be enough for the moment, anyway.
xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xx x
Oh, and glad you approve! The fact that you like it is worth more than anything anyone else could say, really. I'd quite like to do something along a similar vein for my site, but I think that's something I'll have to work myself up to. (My domain terrifies me, to be perfectly honest, but there's something compulsive about it...) and hurrah! my scarf is famous!
One of the reasons I love Cambridge so much - and Oxford too - is because there are just so many little places you could just fall in love with. Hidden patches of beauty everywhere - like London only more precious, somehow, because it isn't ruined by all the consumerism. And Cambridge has more trees. Which is always good.
The site... I like the buttons particularly. Lots of browns and russet-reds?
I just spoke to your brother. If you're reading this, ring meeeeeeeee! (It's not so bad... we went to the pub at 5...)
There are many trees in Stratford. You must come here.
love you!
xxxxxxxxx x(!)
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