FiLL in thE bLaNkS!! .. ((nD b niCe .. pWeeSe))

Dec 28, 2003 19:23

1. I _____ miMi ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

to my lesbian lover vaginalover December 28 2003, 16:43:15 UTC
1. I ATE OUT miMi.
2. miMi is MY BITCH.
3. miMi needs A PENIS.
4. I want to BONE miMi.
5. miMi can LICK my PUSSY.
6. Someday miMi will SUCK ME.
7. miMi reminds me of VACUUMS.
8. Without miMi I HAVE HARDONS.
9. miMi can be HORNY.
10. Meeting miMi is BONARIFIC.
11. Worst thing about miMi is SHE A MAN.
12. Best thing about miMi is SHES A MAN.
13. I am EATING miMi.
14. I think miMi should EAT ME TOO.


Re: to my lesbian lover boii_crazii_o33 December 28 2003, 16:45:27 UTC
hahaha L0L, aLySsa y0u*Re suCh a duMbaSs!! .. g0tta LuV ya th0 .. haha thaNxs 4 tryin, but aS uSuaL bkuZz y0u*Re aLL sL0w lyK that .. y0uu g0t it aLL wr0Ng!! haha. x0x- miMi


to my sisters lesbian lover vaginalover December 28 2003, 16:51:38 UTC
1. I SHAVED miMi.
2. miMi is SHAVED.
3. miMi needs TO BE SHAVED.
4. I want to SHAVE miMi.
5. miMi can SHAVE my ASS.
6. Someday miMi will SHAVE MY PUBES.
7. miMi reminds me of SHAVED BALLS.
8. Without miMi I AM HAIRY.
9. miMi can be SHAVED.
10. Meeting miMi is SHAVING MY PUBES.
11. Worst thing about miMi is SHAVED PUSSY.
12. Best thing about miMi is SHAVED BALLS.
13. I am SHAVING miMi.
14. I think miMi should SHAVE MY LESBIAN SISTER.


Re: DouG*Ss a psych0! boii_crazii_o33 December 28 2003, 16:53:44 UTC
0mG!! d0ug y0u*re suCh a freaK!!! .. ii cant beLieve y0uuuu!!!! .. so0o n0t kewL, but yet inCredibLy fuNNy! 0MG! so0oo0 fuNNy ... ii cant beLieve y0uu nD aLySsa!! .. y0uuu guySs r so0o meXicaN .. nD gayy! x0x- miMi


lilmanrks55 December 28 2003, 22:04:26 UTC
1. I talk to miMi.
2. miMi is Cool.
3. miMi needs a life.
4. I want to kill miMi.
5. miMi can kick my ass.
6. Someday miMi will kick my ass.
7. miMi reminds me of a retard.
8. Without miMi id b greatful.
9. miMi can be annoying.
10. Meeting miMi is the worst thing ever.
11. Worst thing about miMi is everything.
12. Best thing about miMi is nuthin lol j.p..
13. I am tired of miMi.
14. I think miMi should should get a life.

But im not serious about all the things, just puttin words that would make sence with the sentences. And im gonna use this thing and put it in my LJ, just change it around, if its ok with u??


w0w thanXs chRis boii_crazii_o33 December 29 2003, 16:39:14 UTC
chriSs .. yea ii caN aLwaySs c0unt 0n y0uu 2 juSs b eveR s0 swEet .. thaNxs 4 that haha, weLL at leaSt y0uu kePt it aL0t cleaNer than the Zelaya freaKs .. haha ((juSs kiDDing y0uu meXi*Ss)) x0x- miMi


I SPEAK THE TRUTH lyssplayboy December 31 2003, 10:36:45 UTC
1. I MADE miMi.
2. miMi is MY BEOTCH.
3. miMi needs MY TWINKY.
4. I want to LEAVE miMi.
6. Someday miMi will BE MY PIMP.
7. miMi reminds me of MY VAGINA/PENIS.
8. Without miMi I AIN'T NO PIMP.
9. miMi can be A GOOD BEOTCH.
10. Meeting miMi is A MISTAKE.
11. Worst thing about miMi is SHES NOT A GOOD SUCKER.
12. Best thing about miMi is I HARDLY SEE HER.
13. I am PIMPIN' miMi.
14. I think miMi should STOP BEING MY BEOTCH.

HA HA this one doesn't compare to my brothers one but hey it speaks the truth LOL!!!! MY NIGGA, MEXICAN, INDIAN LOVER!!!! MIMI'S MY BEOTCH!!!!!


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