I got bored earlier tonight and had my dad's digital camera. Instead of taking naughty pictures of myself and sending them to my boyfriend (yeah right) I decided to drive around Griffin. I don't know if this will be behind a cut or not. Lets see here...
First I drove around the neighborhood a little bit:
There is a creek that runs through my neighborhood that I used to like playing in.
Also, a lake:
While driving around, 99x randomly played Wonderwall.
Everyone's favourite sign in Griffin:
Sometimes, Griffin tries to be like Atlanta:
Atleast there is a pretty cool clock I guess:
All of a sudden, the camera started flashing the low battery sign. I went here to get more:
Then I went by the airport
And of course, what would a city be without a tank?
So yeah, thats what I did while I was waiting on my laundry.