OK, i cannot believe this story.
So my youngest daughter(whome i shall refer to as "J") and her friend "A" pulled a good one today. They were messin around with another boy at school i call "D"
"J" got a hold of "D"'s cellphone. "D" got upset. "J" gave back his phone and asked him what he had on his phone.
"D" jokingly said he had porn.
"J" and "A" went up to the police officer at school and asked if it was illegal to have porn on the cellphone. The police said it could be illegal if you send a message with porn, but otherwise, no. The officer gave the two girls a look of concern. The two girls said it was not their phone but it was the phone belonging to "D"
The officer said he will not tell no one.
Later on, it was found out byanother girl named "M" that the police did check out the phone from "D"
They did not find porn but they did find pictures and a video of "D" smokin weed.
I laughed at this, now comes the question...Was my daughter and "A" a dick or assholes?
BTW "D" has stated he is no longer talkin to "J", "A", nor "M"
Even the wife loved this story and laughed