mkay... these fighting cards are weird, but I won darnit... I won. :)
germandeluxe challenges boisestudley to display their depth.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch germandeluxe fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch boisestudley fightboisestudley sinks to such depths of depravity germandeluxe surrenders utterly disgusted, it's a win but it wasn't nice to watch.germandeluxe has been defeated by boisestudleyHowever the comotion has awoken germandeluxe's parent latrine_orderlylatrine_orderly challenges boisestudley on their honesty.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch latrine_orderly fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch boisestudley fightboisestudley admits to having stolen all the pies, such honesty puts latrine_orderly to shame.latrine_orderly has been defeated by boisestudleyHowever the comotion has awoken latrine_orderly's parent remotegoatremotegoat challenges boisestudley on their honesty.COMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch remotegoat fightCOMBAT CARDS 2.1 watch boisestudley fightboisestudley produces a witness, a vicar and a lawyer, it's no contest remotegoat can't match that level of honestyCONGRATULATIONS YOU WIN BOISESTUDLEY SCORED: 3/3 (100%)You have defeated all players at this level.Congratulations you have been awarded an ultimate fighter level of 3Future games will be harder I'm afraid!