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Comments 16

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bojojoti June 5 2013, 05:42:24 UTC
Are those wildfires? Our farmers burn wheat stubble at the first of July, and that's hard on my asthmatic lungs, but that's just a part of living around farming.


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bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:25:17 UTC
Thank goodness you have a natural firebreak with the old fire. Still, it's hard to breath in those circumstances.


jazzyglo June 5 2013, 06:59:10 UTC
I hope you get your AC back soon...at least before it starts really heating up there.

ALL your gardens are gorgeous, and they have very cool names. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the green rose, but it certainly is unique. :-)

I LOVE your new range. I have double ovens also, and I know you're really going to appreciate having them.


bojojoti June 5 2013, 07:05:32 UTC
It's hot enough. I'm crankypants without my a/c.

The Green Rose is an acquired taste! She grows on you.

It's so nice to use the tiny one!


bluiidmommy June 5 2013, 13:27:14 UTC
Your green rose is unusual! I had no idea there were roses like that.

Love the new ovens! I know Jon wants one like that with the two.

I hope you get your a/c fixed soon!

Oh, and your sunglasses-wearing frog prince cracks me up!


bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:29:25 UTC
There are so many kinds of roses--fuzzy buds (moss), teeny-tiny, monster roses than can eat houses...

I love having the tiny oven. It's so nice not to heat up a big oven with just a dozen cookies.

Bumberjean slipped those glasses on him several years ago, and he's worn them ever since!


embrace_2012 June 8 2013, 12:51:59 UTC
Nice range!


bojojoti June 10 2013, 01:29:35 UTC
I love it!


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