Isabella Swan....Danvers?

May 28, 2009 21:43

Fandom: Twilight, Covenant, Dark Angel, Roswell

Title: Isabella Swan....Danvers?

Character: Bella, Jasper, Jacob, OCs

Pairing: Gen, possible Jasper/Bella later on.

Summary: Bella isn't what she appears to be and after her birthday party she is no longer the sole keeper of her secret.

Disclaimer: Do not own any of the shows or books. Not Twilight, not The Covenant , not Dark Angel and not Roswell.

WARNING: Complete AU for almost every fandom mentioned. For those that likes Edward or how Bella is in the books should not read this. Not canon pairing. Bella never fell for Edward and Alice is a bit of a bitch.

Previous chapter: Prologue

The birthday party had been a disaster, but to my defense I had not wanted a party and it wasn't really my birthday to begin with. I wouldn't be 18 before next week and I would be far from Forks by that time. But none of those motives were the reason why the party had been a catastrophe. Nope. I had managed to get a paper cut while opening my presents. That was not a big deal in itself, but add the fact that the room I was in was filled with vampires, you get a problem. Maybe not a huge problem, but at least a small one, depending on how you look at things.

They might be vegetarians, but my blood was still tempting for them. And it didn't help matters that one of my vampires had thrown me into a glass table that had made me bleed even more. It was probably pure luck that made the end result what it was; one vamp out hunting while another stitched up my cuts.

Carlisle spend quite some time attending my wounds to make sure that all the glass came out okay and that the others got the time they needed to calm down and clean up the mess that had been made out in the living room. So much time had actually passed, that Emmet and Jasper were already coming back from their hunt at approximately the same time as Carlisle was finished with the last stitches.

I didn't need to be an empath to catch on to the general feelings in the room as I stepped out of Carlisle's office; Disappointment, anger and contempt. And it wasn't directed at me. They had all been apologetic and concerned towards me when I came out together with Carlisle. No the negative feelings didn't come out before Jasper got back. And a glance at the vampire told me that he knew it was all directed at him and when I could feel it I didn't dare to think how it must be for an empath. I quickly felt anger rise in me too, but not at Jasper.

«You know I never thought that any of you could ever disappoint me as much as you have today.» I stated and I could see that Jasper visibly winced and shrank back a little more and I started to walk over to him, but Edward's voice and hand on my arm stopped me.

«You shouldn't go too close to him. He is dangerous.»

«I guess I was wrong; it is possible to be more disappointed than I was. Don't you have any faith in your brother? Have he not been hunting just now? Am I bleeding at the moment?» I felt my anger grow and somehow managed to get out of Edward's grip and walk over to Jasper who was staring at me together with the rest of the family.

«What happened today was not Jasper's fault.» I pointed out, staring into Jasper eyes, letting my emotions try to convince him that I really believed what I was saying.

«But he attacked you! He tried to feed of you!» Edward exclaimed.

Those close to me, knew that Bella Swan had one hell of a temper. It might not come out much, but when it did it was explosive. The Cullens had never had the pleasure of finding out about it before, but now it seemed like they would get their first glimpse of the famous Danvers temper firsthand. Because if there were one thing that enraged me it was to see someone being treated poorly.

«He attacked me?» I started traitorously calm. Only the fire in my eyes and the waves of anger I knew Jasper could feel betrayed me.

«As far as my memories goes it wasn't Jasper that attacked me. He might have tried to feed of me, but he was not he one to attack me. I seem to remember that there was someone else that attacked me before Jasper did anything.» The Cullens just stared at me after my short outburst. All of them seemed shocked, but Emmet also had a small smirk on his face.

«Come Jasper, let's go outside for a while.» I suggested and started to guide myself and the shocked vampire at my side towards the door.

«Wait!» Alice exclaimed.

«What? Did you have a vision in the short amount of time it took me to decide that it would be better for Jasper outside, to now?» I asked sarcastically knowing well that she hadn't.

«No, but...» The small vampire didn't know how to word her protest. Something Edward had no problem doing.

«What if you fall and you start to bleed again? Jasper is dangerous to you. It is not safe for you to be outside together with him.» The fury that came over my face made him stop before he could protest more.

«Is that what you were going to say Alice? Do you really have so little trust in your husband? Do the rest of you feel the same way?» I could see the guilt on everybody's faces.

«Have you ever considered the possibility that the reason Jasper has such a hard time controlling his blood lust is because he is an empath and doesn't have only his own lust to fight against, but yours as well?» I looked at them with sadness and pity. «I trust Jasper and at the moment he is the only one of you I can stand to be with. Come Jasper.»

Jasper didn't follow me immediately so I turned around and saw the question in his eyes.

«Concentrate on my feelings Jasper. Do you feel that? I trust you. Come with me outside. I need someone to drive me home and I would like for that to be you, but you don't need to. We can just be outside talking. But I trust you and you shouldn't be in here right now. I can see how much it is hurting.» Jasper spent some more time staring into my eyes before he slowly nodded and followed me outside.

«Do you still feel them?» I quietly asked when we were standing by the cars. The answer Jasper gave me was a short nod.

«Let's go for a drive then.» I smiled, but I saw that Jasper still hesitated. I couldn't help the anger I felt when I glared at the house where the rest of the family still were.

«Jasper.» I started and took the vampire's face in my hands. «I meant everything I said in there. You wouldn't have attacked me if Edward hadn't overreacted. And even then I don't think you wouldn't have done anything if you only had your own thirst to battle.» I could see the doubt that still lingered in his golden eyes.

«Have they really hurt you that bad Jazz? Have they hurt you so bad that you no longer have any belief in yourself? No worry. I have belief enough for the both of us. But we can make a deal if you like. The minute it gets uncomfortable for you, you can leave and I'll ask no question or pass any judge on you.»

Jasper gave me a hint of a smile. «I would like to add something. If you see that my eyes gets darker you kick me out immediately and call one of the others so that they can help you if you need it.»

«Deal.» I smiled at him brightly before pulling him towards the car.

«So.... Where are we going?» Jasper asked after starting the car. I sent a glare up to the house where I knew that at least Edward and Alice was listening in. Jasper seemed to read my mind or more likely my feelings, because he gave me another small smile and drove off. He drove faster than your average human would dare to, but I knew that he still could have gone much faster, and that he usually did. He had slowed down for my sake, something none of the other had bothered to think about.

«Where are we going?» Jasper repeated when we were far enough from the house.

«Do you mind taking me home? I am starting to get a bit hungry and at home I can cook dinner for Charlie as well. But we can do something else if you'd like?» I didn't get an answer from the vampire he just turned the car in the direction of my house.

I stared at him in confusion when he stayed in the car after stopping in front of my home. Hadn't I already convinced him that I trusted him and wanted him with me?

«What's wrong Jasper?» I asked concerned.

«There is a wolf in there.» Jasper stated while intensely staring at the house.

«A wolf?» I repeated confused before realization hit me. It had to be someone from the reservation and I had a pretty good idea who it was.

«Don't worry about him. I am inviting you into my home and if he doesn't like it he can leave. It is my home and I decides who can stay and who can not.» During my little speech Jasper had moved his stare from the house and was now looking at me with a confused, but happy smile.

Inside I saw that I had indeed been correct with my assumption of who my uninvited guest was; Jacob. I quickly gave him a variation of the talk I had given Jasper outside, adding the rule that there would be no fighting inside or outside the house. That the whole area was a neutral zone and they could call it Switzerland if they wished.

Jacob didn't like it but he did his best to calm down so that he could stay here and not leave me alone with the leech. But no matter how much he tried he couldn't stop the growl that erupted when he saw the bandages.

«What happened?» His tone came very close to demanding an answer.

«I got a paper cut.» I shrugged.

«That's no paper cut!» Jacob exclaimed angrily.

«No I got this from when Edward showed me into a glass table.» The growl increased in both volume and menace.

«Exactly! And then he blames Jasper for not have the power to fully control the blood lust to seven vampires!» The calm I had had at the Cullens was gone and I was now shouting, but before I could continue my rant my phone went off.

«What?!» I barked into the phone.

«Who do you want us to kill?» a male voice asked deadly serious.

«Edward Cullen the bloodsucking leech.» I answered using Jacobs names for the vampires.

«What did he do now?»

«I got a paper cut and then he threw me into a table so I started to bleed more and then they have the guts to blame Jasper for the fiasco.» My growl imitated the werewolf's earlier growl pretty darn well.

«That explains the first explosion. What about the second?» Both Jasper and Jacob had used their supernatural good hearing to follow the conversation, but the last question threw them of.

«You know, sometimes I hate you.» I gave out a short laugh.

«But you still love me. So come on Sis, give, what happened?» The affection in our voice was obvious and Jasper could probably literally feel the wave of love that came from me.

«I just explained to Jacob what happened. He is a wolf by the way.» I added the last part exited.

«Really? Cool. You are a magnet to interesting people and creatures, you know that? Wait a moment, I'll be right back.» There could be heard voices on the other end, but nothing any of us could manage to pick up. It didn't take long before the man was back on the phone.

«Jasper is the empath, right?» I confirmed it.

«And does the rest of the family feel the same as the leech?» Here I had to admit that I wasn't completely sure, but that that was the general feeling in the house.

«You trust him? You believe that when he gets away from the others' blood lust, controlling his own will be piece of cake?» Another confirmation from me.

«I know you, you wouldn't have left anyone with them, let alone an empath. Where is he?»

«He is here with me. He and Jacob have actually listened in on this whole conversation.» I smirked the boys at the table and both wore identical masks of embarrassed and guilt.

«Great. That will make this whole deal go much faster. Jacob, Jasper. You are both invited to come with Bella and uncle Charlie when they come here. Actually Jasper it is an order from my mom. She said that if you refused to come she would get someone to come to Forks and force you to come here. I'll just want to tell you that when she has set her mind on something she doesn't give up before she has reached her goal. And Jacob I know that you are a close friend of Izzy so you are welcome too.»

I and the man chatted some more before we hung up, but I believed neither werewolf nor vampire heard any of it. They were both in too much of a shock.

«This is soo great!» I squealed when the conversation was finished. «You are coming right? We will be gone for ten days and we are leaving tonight.»

«Bella...» Jasper started, but I quickly cut him off.»

«No Jazz. You heard him. You are coming with us one way or another and believe me it is easier and much less painful if you come with me. You have just been hunting, the others aren't here so you just have your own thirst to worry about and where we are going the population is low and the woods are filled with animals. If Jacobs comes with us there will be a werewolf there in the very unlikely scenario that you loose it, but even if he's not there I think you'll find it very hard if not impossible to do something like that.» When I was finished I saw the reluctant acceptance in Jasper's butterscotch colored eyes.

«So Jake. I know it is not long time to decide, but what do you say? I can promise you that there will be very few if any dull moments. There will be four other boys our age for sure, but I am not positive about the others. Please Jake. I would love it if you came. Please?»

«I can't leave you alone with the vampire, can I?» Jacob grumbled, the twinkle in his eyes gave away how he really felt about going together with me. He was looking forward to it, but would have appreciated it if we left Jasper in Forks.

«Great!» I almost yelled and gave Jacob a big hug, before carefully giving Jasper a hug as well after asking him with my eyes if it was okay.

«Two of my best friends are coming with me! This will be soo fun!» I squealed again at the same time as Charlie walked through the door.

«Jacob and Jasper are coming with us. Seb called and their presence has been demanded.» I grinned.

Charlie grinned slightly as well before he noticed my bandage and the smile changed into a frown. But the question the boys had expected never came, not out loud at any rate. For all they could see Charlie and I just looked into each other's eyes.

«When do you think you two are ready to go?» Charlie asked the two other occupants in the room.

«I have to talk to dad and ask Embry to pack some cloths for me and bring them here.» Jacob told him as he pulled out his phone and walked outside.

Jaspers gaze was distant. «Do you need to go back? Or do you have means to buy new cloths where we are going» As an answer Jasper pulled out his wallet, but his gaze was still distant.

I took his hand. «Jazz. Concentrate on my feelings. You don't need to deal with them right now. We'll call them later, when we are far away from here and then we'll inform them that you won't be home for a while.» I suddenly frowned. «Since Jake is a werewolf do you think that will have any impact on Alice's visions?» I was exited by the idea. And my excitement seemed to bring Jasper back to us and out of his thoughts.

«She'll be blind. No visions whatsoever.» He grinned before looking at Charlie alarmed.

«Charlie knows. And that will a perfect scare for them. We will be gone and they'll have no idea where we are. It will also show them when we comes back and you are better than fine.» I grinned.

«You really think so?» I saw that Jasper had finally begun to believe in it too, but there was still doubt in his beautiful, immortal eyes.

«No. I don't think so. I know it. You have managed God knows how many years to control the thirst of seven vampires with only a few slip ups. Controlling just your own should be pretty easy after that, not to mention that you'll never be too careless and let it go a long time between each hunt. So throw that damn doubt away! You are going to do just fine.» Jasper gave me a bright smile that I wasn't late to return.

«Come on Jazz! I have some work for you.» I grinned as I moved towards the stairs.

«Oh?» Jasper asked and tried to look scared, but failed miserably.

«Yeah. I thought I would give the big, bad vampire the assignment to take my luggage to the car and otherwise just be my slave.» I teased as I ran upstairs with a laughing vampire at my heals.

Next chapter

Reviews anyone?


au, crossover, series: isabella swan... danvers, character: jasper whitlock, fandom: twilight, fandom: dark angel, fandom: roswell, character: jacob black, fic, character: bella swan, fandom: the covenant

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