[Personal] Random Meme!

Feb 27, 2011 17:41

Since mikarocker oh so graciously tagged me with this, I feel like it could be fun to fill out -- you'll definitely know what I've been up to for the last hour or so after going through this. Oh man. :D

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their journal and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

B) Tag ( Read more... )

meme, comments

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Comments 8

mikarocker February 27 2011, 22:52:39 UTC
WHEEEE grace is my favorite creeper of all!<3333


bokuwashinigami February 27 2011, 23:12:59 UTC
And Mika is mine!! :D


sharksoul24 February 27 2011, 23:06:23 UTC
lol I agree with Mika 8D


bokuwashinigami February 27 2011, 23:13:33 UTC
And Illy is my favorite (and best!) information stalker!! :D


leana9101 February 27 2011, 23:17:17 UTC
I agree with number 3 with a passion lolz


bokuwashinigami February 27 2011, 23:20:27 UTC
YOUR ICON IS GORGEOUS. <3 (Tshirts are amazing. *0*)


leana9101 February 27 2011, 23:50:36 UTC
thanks <3. I realized after I ordered it, but it is from the Arashic pamphlet :D. sooo excited.

I couldn't survive without tshirts , I have an obssesion (if only I had an arashi shirt loz)


leana9101 March 6 2011, 02:38:55 UTC
I'm doing this meme, DEAL WITH IT <3


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