(no subject)

Feb 20, 2005 22:33

TeN RaNdOm ThInGs AbOuT Me:

1) I like emo.
2) I'm not a stalker, I'm a private investigater.
3) I like chocolate ice cream with milk on it! It's good you should try it.
4) I hate the cold.
5) I've recently learned how overrated it is to not say how you feel.
6) I miss the past.
7) I really want to decide every little thing about my future, so I don't feel so unsure and nervous lol.
8) I'm Norwegian, but I don't even know if that's how you spell it, nice?
9) I'm green, and it's not easy.
10)I'm an Idahoan at heart.

NiNe PlAcEs I'vE ViSiTeD

1) Florida
2) Cape Cod
3) North Carolina
4) Idaho (and lived)
5) Utah
6) New Jersey
7) Yellowstone
8) Chicago
9) Connecticut

EiGhT ThInGs I WaNt To Do BeFoRe I DiE

1) Travel everywhere.
2) Find true happiness/satisfaction with myself/life.
3) Help make people's dreams come true.
4) Find my soul mate.
5) Have a family and children.
6) Let go of regret.
7) Accomplish all my goals.
8) Go for a ride down hey<3street ;)

SeVeN WaYs To WiN My HeArT

1) Be honeset and trustworthy.
2) Have intelligence.
3) Be talkative.
4) Be yourself.
5) Have compassion.
6) Have long hair! =D
7) Have long red hair! =D

SiX ThInGs I BeLiEvE In

1) Everything happens for a reason and what's meant to be, will be.
2) Jesus.
3) Karma (to an extent).
4) Love. (even though I have my doubts at times).
5) Second chances.
6) Holding on to beliefs in general.

FiVe ThInGs I'm AfRaId Of

1) Being alone eternally.
2) Being rejected.
3) It being too late.
4) Ruining absolutely everything.
5) Letting fear get the best of me.

FoUr Of My FaVoRiTe ItEmS In My BeDrOoM

1) My bed!
2) The computer.
3) TV/DVD player.
4) My bedding/pillows.

ThReE ThInGs I Do EvErY DaY

1) Think.
2) Miss things.
3) Blink.

TwO ThInGs I Am TrYiNg NoT To Do RiGhT NoW

1) Lose hope.
2) Be anything but happy.

OnE PeRsOn I WaNt To SeE RiGhT NoW

1) Probaby the person who wants to see me least right now.
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