Title: Difficult with the Living
Rating: PG
Characters: Sayid, Castiel
Word Count: 100
Summary: Good things do happen.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Season six of Lost.
A/N: For
lostsquee Luau Queens
missy_useless and
hopelessfangirl, who like SPN/Lost. Also fits the latter’s undead prompt.
Difficult with the Living
Was a sad life, if a man’s first thought is I’m tired of living, when he’s given it back. Again.
Castiel tries. “Good -”
- things do happen? Three names in Sayid’s mind. Three lives, loves lost.
Goodness can still be found in your heart, Sayid. Covered with blood.
“If there were any good in this world,” Sayid coughs, “you would’ve left me there.” He lies on a beach, arms stretched wide on his sides like wings; breathing is a novelty.
Free, without the weight of his orders, Castiel flies off.
It’s a sad life, but they are both tired of death.