Title: Love Today (3/?)

Nov 17, 2009 14:01

Title: Love Today (3/?)
Author: Boldpapermate
Pairing: Callie/Hahn, Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lunch time squabbles. Please read and review.
Disclaimer: All the characters are property of ABC and Shonda. I own nothing, and no one. Although sometimes i wish i did

A/N: It's beta free. Please excuse all the mistakes.

I wanted to give a shout out and mad props to Sydneygirl1903, who totally gave me the inspiration to write this chapter.


Dress to impress, flirt shamelessly, be witty, be confident and chew gum excessively. That was her theory so to speak. It was only supposed to be used in dire situations, and for women she planned on pursuing. Not on crushes. But she was tired of the hyperventalating, the panicking, and the glares. It had been two weeks since Arizona had went out for drinks with Callie. Oh, and Erica. For some reason when Arizona replayed the scenes from that night in her head, which was often, she always tended to exclude the memories that involved Erica. it was probably just an accident, Arizona was sure.

She seemed to be adjusting well to Seattle life, as well as Seattle Grace. She even learned a few things over the past few weeks. Like first off, just because it’s sunny outside, that doesn’t mean it won’t rain later. And unless she was willing to get soaked again and endure an evening of sitting next to a guy named Bob who kept smelling her, then she should always carry a raincoat. The weather here was almost as bipolar as the people. Secondly, if you give a bum money, he will follow you home. Your best bet is to keep walking and pretend like you don’t speak English. Thirdly, Dicks really was in fact a resturant, people weren’t trying to force themselves upon you, or being crude, it was really a burger joint. She had also learned that Erica and Callie were indeed an item.

That part bugged her, but she was intent on not letting it get to her. She had decided to be Callie's friend and for now, that was good enough. She had the benefit of staring at Callie all she wanted, and on some occasions Callie would touch her. She had been so excited the first time that she had ran right into a wall, which was very painful. Sadly, she hadn't really learned anything about the hospital in the recent weeks. She was usually to distracted with thinking about what Callie wore to work, or sick children, or how good Callie would look in her bed, or sick children. She was definately focused on the sick children. Definately.

Oh well, she had a drift, and people were catching it. The worst part about all of this wasn’t the fact that she spent time thinking about Callie. It was that her crush seemed to have intensified. Now 93% of her thoughts were either daydreams involving a naked Callie, or daydreams involving an ALMOST naked Callie. It was torture, it was almost as bad as the fact that everyone in the hospital seemed to thrive on coffee, because there was hardly any left. And Arizona never compared anything to coffee, never. It wasn’t fair though, what was she supposed to do, drink tea?

Not having coffee seemed to make her thoughts more scattered, if that was even possible. Now she was stuck with a bad case of ADD, and the functioning skills of a highschool girl. Really, it was like somewhere in the past 2 weeks she had lost the education of an amazing surgeon, and picked up the verbal skills of a 13 year old. It was highly embarrassing. Even more so then that time someone had to explain to her what exactly Air Jordans were.

The problem that Arizona seemed to be having with making herself get over it, was that Callie was adorable. So much so that it only intensified her crush and caused her to act like a bumbling idiot, instead of a well spoken friend. But much to her surprise, she didn’t care. She preferred to be a complete fool if that meant she got to spend her lunch being around Callie and making her laugh. It was definitely worth Arizona’s dignity. Definitely worth it. Definitely.

Ugh, she was doing it again. That thing where her thoughts would travel, and eventually end up on Callie. It had to be unhealthy, an extremely bad ‘stalker who hides in bushes’ kind of unhealthy. What she need was a hobby. Yes! A hobby that would distract her, that was a good idea. Maybe she could pick up cooking? Naw, she almost burnt the house down that time she tried baking cookies. Maybe painting? Nope. Her drawing skills ended at stick figures, and even then they were undistinguishable. Knitting? Well she wasn’t 80, so that wouldn’t work to well.

Whatever, her thoughts were super unhelpful today, so she'd just contemplate this late. Plus it was nearing lunchtime.What kept her going in the mornings was the knowledge that she'd soon join Callie for their usual lunch. Mark was there too but Arizona usually just tuned him out, she had learned very quickly that Erica didn't like eating in the cafeteria. Speaking of the cafeteria, she had been waiting for a good 10 minutes and still no Callie. That was no good, no good at all.

What she needed to do was take a breather and eat one of her peanut butter cups. She hadn't lied when she said she craved sweets, but it seemed that because she was always hyperaware, that her cravings had increased. So now she always carried some type of sweets with her. It could have been the over abundance of fantasies, or just general lack of sex over these past few weeks that was giving her the munchies. She shoved the reeses in her mouth, and was so enamored with her candy that she didn't see Callie approach her, two coffees in hand.

"Hey!" Callie said as she sat down next to Arizona. Oh thank god, Arizona was afraid she was going to have to spend her lunch with just the man-whore...Mark. She meant Mark. God that term was catchy.

"Hey." She replied as she tried to mentally calm herself down.

"So. I know how upset you get without your morning coffee, so i took the liberty of grabbing you a cup before it was all gone. I didn't know how you liked your coffee, so i just left it black." Callie raised her cup to her lips and pushed Arizona's cup towards her. Arizona smiled as she reached for the cup, Callie was so thoughtful, and sweet.

"Well, i like my coffee like I like my women." Seriously. That was the best she could come up with?

Callie raised her eyebrows as she waited for Arizona to respond. Shortly after getting drinks, and much to Mark's dismay, she had admitted to them that she was about as straight as a rainbow. Sadly it only seemed to make Mark stare more, as well as make Erica's dislike for her grow. Eh, she was cute, she didn't need to make apologies for being cute. Or awesome. what she did need to do was say something charming and sexy.

"In a plastic cup." Did she...oh dear. That was neither charming or sexy, but apparently Callie thought it was funny because she started choking on her coffee. At least she could provide amusement.

"So guess what? Im still handsome." Mark said as he slid in next to Callie. He really had to much confidence.

"Guess what? I still don't care." Callie replied.

"Oh, that hurts me real deep Torres." Mark said as he feigned hurt and placed a hand over his heart. Their banter was cute, it was one of the reasons Arizona loved lunch. Only one. Plues, with Mark talking, it meant there would be less of a chance of her making a fool of herself.

"And here i thought your heart was numb."

"How come you never insult blondie?" Blondie? What was up with everyone calling her that!?

"Because I think she's awesome, unlike you. I just think your a man-whore." Wait. Callie thinks she's awesome? Excuse her while she does a mental celebration dance. She was allowed to do those right?

"So, I was thinking we've been hangin out for 2 weeks and we practically know nothing about each other." That wasn't true, Arizona knew loads about Callie. She knew Callie had great legs, and...well, nevermind, Callie was right.

"Okay. So what do you wanna do?" Arizona replied as she tried not to focus on the tightness of Callie's scrub top, or how close they were sitting. If she wasn't a doctor, she would have thought she was having a heart attack by how fast her heart was beating. She could focus on her coffee, or even Mark. Apparently Mark was distracted because he was paying attention to his phone, not the conversation. Great, that means shes going to actually have to talk.

"I say we ask questions, and no matter what the person has to answer." That sounded simple enough. She could be normal and try, she could!

"Okay." See. She was good at the whole normal thing.

Callie grinned and rubbed her hands together, "Alright. Favorite movie?" If her heart didn't slow down soon, she'd willingly admit herself into the ER.

"Hitch. You?" She was a sucker for romantic movies. Plus Will Smith had great comedic timing.

Callie laughed, "Don't laugh, but The Lion King." Seriously. Could she get any more adorable?

"Favorite artist?" Arizona asked as she made sure to mentally store that bit of information about Callie. Just in case god felt like she had been good this year and decided to give her a gift. If that gift happened to be Callie, then so be it. She could handle that.

"Mika. Coolest british dude ever. You?" Who the hell was Mika? He sounded like a brand of toothpaste.

"Arizona?" Callie asked, apparently she hadn't answered yet, she really need to stop thinking so much and just focus. Focus. FOCUS.

"Taylor Swift." Well that was embarassing. She could have had a better answer then that, she felt her face turn red as Callie erupted in laughter. Apparently Arizona's embarassment was hilarious all day long. She guessed Callie noticed how embarrassed she was because she quickly stopped laughing.

"Hey, Arizona. That's awesome." Callie said as she tried not to laugh.

"Yeah right." Arizona mumbled. So much for trying to pretend she was cool. She was horrible at applying her own theory.

"Hey. Listen, your awesome Arizona, and you should believe that your awesome. Super, kickass, hardcore. Whatever you want to call it okay?" Callie said with a serious face as she placed her hand on Arizona's shoulder.

Arizona was pretty sure she had just fallen in love. This was really, really bad. Really.


I know, I know. No Hahn. But I wanted some cute fluff between Callie/Arizona before the drama. I promise Erica will be in the next chapter, tell me what you think! Reviews are love ^^


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