A clip leaked! A few things!
1) Jesse apparently flunked out of UCLA. This is not surprising in the least, since it's been kicked around by the writers ever since last season.
2) Vocal Adrenaline came in fourth at Nationals in 2010. OR FIRST? Magical wording, it's probably first though knowing Vocal Adrenaline and how it is the "winningest show choir in history." Someone app Dustin Goolsby. whatever, Jesse's a moron. ty
3) Jesse likes to sound smart but he's kind of dumb. Or, well. He's intelligent, I think! But there's a difference between knowing stuff and, er, applying stuff. And having common sense. I had been a bit concerned that I was dumbing him down too much, but no, I'm not making him dumb enough. APPARENTLY, SHELBY GOT PEOPLE TO TAKE CLASSES FOR HIM . . .
I don't even.
. . . I can't remember if he ever talked with anyone about school, but if he did, yeah uh. SHOW CHOIR WAS HIS LIFE, PERIOD, end of story.
4) I am probably not updating! We'll see how it goes. If he ends up being a part of Sue's League of Doom or whatever, I will scream and throw my TV across the room.