o1. Name: Robin
o2. Birthday/Age: November 1, 1990/14
o3. Location:Monroe, New york
o4. Sexuality/Status: Straight/ Single
o5. Likes: people who are nice, music, my friends, art, boys, eyeliner, eyes, and i could go on.....
o6. Dislikes: people who judge, and people who talk behind you back
o7. Your BEST/WORST Feature: My best feature is my eyes, and my worst would be my nose and hands
o8. Something Random About Yourself: My friends call me a spaz, and I own alot of cherry things like a bag, and my 8th grade dress had cherries on it.
o9. What do you do for fun?: I listen to music, take pictures and after school i have track(but i dont know if that is fun)
10. What is your biggest fear?: I hate being home alone at night( seen to many scary movies)
11. Favorite Bands/Artists (no more than 7): The von bondies, From first to last, The killers, Taking back sunday
12. Favorite Clothing Store: Favorite stores areAlloy, which is like my favorite store, pac sun, h & m and american eagle are good too!
13. Quote You Live By: Live everyday like its your last
14. Make us laugh: In 7th grade 2 days before winter recess i was walking with my 2 friends and the next thing i know i fell down the stairs from the top step infront of a really hott kid, and the next day one kid came up to me asking if i was the girl who fell down the stairs.
How Did You Find Out About This Community: Shannon- the mod
Why Should You Be Accepted Into This Community: Im easy to get along with
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