Am I Bombshell enough?

Mar 29, 2005 21:33

o1. Name: Rendi
o2. Birthday/Age:1991/ 14
o3. Location:NYC
o4. Sexuality/Status:straight, single, and lovin' it
o5. Likes:boys, cameras, photos, friends, memories, inside jokes, hanging out, popcorn,filet mignon, drawing,poetry, preps
o6. Dislikes:Wannabes, suck-ups, not open to alot of new things..
o7. Your BEST/WORST Feature:Best; my funny attitude and sarcasm WORST; kinda bossy when agrivated..but hey we all have our downsides..
o8. Something Random About Yourself: I play ice hockey!!
o9. What do you do for fun?:Play hockey, take photos of random things like cups and books, listen to music
10. What is your biggest fear?: Spiders
11. Favorite Bands/Artists (no more than 7):Jamie Cullum, Jack Johnson, Better than Ezra, Dispatch, Muse, Maroon 5
12. Favorite Clothing Store:Abercrombie & Fitch, Ralph Lauren Polo, Lacoste, Le tigre, Gucci, Prada
13. Quote You Live By: " Try new things; you never know when they'll be illegal"

14. Make us laugh: my friends came over for my B-day and i was taking a picture of myself b/c im cool like that and my friend rachel jumped in licked my face and kayla was making that icky sign for 69 and i didnt think they were in the picture...but yah they funny but.i couldnt find anything..sorry

How Did You Find Out About This Community: My friend got invited but decided to decline
Why Should You Be Accepted Into This Community:B/c my friend told me once that i should become a holister or A&F model and i never realli pictured myself being drop dead gorgeous and i'd like to be a part of a community wheere everyone is beautiful and thinks they are.

OhO and by the way this is twisted_but_fun I got a new name and wasn't sure if i should or shouldn't make a new ap. so i did! <3
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