Ok, so this has been the drama lately... and it doesn't even really involve me, or me and Billy.
Billy had a group of friends he would hang out with at school. Now let me remind you, Billy is 25 and these guys are 18-20. His "best friend," who is also part of this group, is also 25. This guy, let's call him A for asshole, is a really shady kind of guy. Even Billy could tell when he was lying. Billy and A have a lot in common in that they both tend to lie about little things, but A is more malicious about it and takes it to a grander scale. I know in most cases, Billy lies out of shame... but A just lies to lie.
Well, A and this girl (who slowly became a part of the grp at the beginning of the semester)started hanging out. First of all, this girl was just out of a Christian high school and a virgin. A is not a virgin, and is a well known man-slut who was sleeping with multiple girls. He tells Billy that he really likes this girl and wants to become exclusive with her. So Billy thinks he is being genuine, and talks to both A and the girl, cuz he wants to be sure that A won't do something stupid and hurt the girl.
They date for a while, and of course, A and the girl get physical. They would talk about what they do all the time, and even do some inappropriate things in front of the grp... well, concealed but ppl knew what they were doing... ANYWAY.
The girl ended up being kicked out of her father's house and losing her car, and we find out it was because of the fact she was dating A. I am sure her father was paying her private HS bills, knew what she was doing, and didn't like her dating a white guy... so she had to leave school and move (kind of) far away. After she left, she would see A on the weekends. But those of us still at the school would see him hanging out with another girl. So after a few weeks of this, we find out A broke up with this gf, and not too long after that news, he is seeing this new girl.
Let me side track, and mention this: I am in no way friends with ANYONE in this group. I only hung out with them with Billy to maybe get to know his friends better. Of about 10 people, only about 4 came across as decent to me, and maybe 2 didn't seem tied up in any drama. Most of these kids I had bad feelings about, mostly about A. I think I can read people well, and I am usually right... So I found out most of this stuff second hand, or from walking by them while at work.
About the ex-gf now, let's call her B. I liked her alright, she seemed nice. Obviously she is a little young to be any kind of friend imo, but I was cool with her. Billy and I had suspicions that A was cheating on her way before they broke up, but we NEVER told the girl. I didn't feel it my place since I am not her friend, and Billy didn't want to assume anything since he didn't know for sure and it was against his best friend.
After they broke up, B was talking to Billy cuz they were still kind of friends. She said "yeah A broke up with me cuz he said he was still in love with his ex." And Billy says "since when is so and so his ex?" (We knew which ex-gf that A was still in love with and this new girl was NOT her). The girl goes... "who?" Billy think... oops...
Well, A never told Billy what he told B when they broke up. So he slipped up, an honest mistake of anyone.
I started talking to B cuz I thought the whole situation was bullshit. I told her that A was lying to her and that he had been seeing this girl for a while, and they were most likely cheating the whole time. Also, from another source, A was telling ppl they never had sex, which she said she had proof on her phone (I didn't wanna know or find out). So A was saying all these lies to ppl, and it turns out, he was having her lie to us about things.
A didn't like staying at home, so Billy and I would IM him on skype to go hang out. So I would pick him up and we would go out. Then he would complain about his roommate and how annoying he is and controlling. According to B, A would tell her to lie to us when we called her to say that he was hanging with her (when in fact he was not) so he didn't have to talk to Billy. According to her and his roomate, he didn't like Billy ever and couldn't stand him, even though they were "best friends" and spent all their time together.
And it gets better. All of the reasons A was giving his roommate about why he didn't like Billy, were the reasons he told US he didn't like his roommate. He was controlling, nosey, melodramatic.
All of this drama came out after I was talking to another guy in the group who I was kind of friends with, from before he was even in the group. He was trying to be vague and was saying that a lot of ppl were mad at Billy and he was a back stabber...
Then the roommate started talking to me and telling me all the things A was telling me.
So Billy has been COMPLETELY out of the loop on the drama that involves him! (And not even me!!) Apparently this dislike of Billy by the group has been going on a while, BUT he has come up to the school and hung out with them and they acted like everything was cool. So it was a complete surprise that this was what was going on.
He has tried to talk to people to find out the truth, and they just go "uh I don't know what you're talking about." The guy I originally got the info from told me he didn't know. I asked A, and he said he wasn't mad at anyone, but every couple days his roommate gives me more info about shit A is telling him. But he knows most of that is lies now.
How this involves me? I have been going back and telling Billy, cuz... why not, it's his friends. Also, some of them have been making comments about me as I walk past or about me on other ppl's Facebooks... and I just think that is rude. None of them know me, know anything about, and a few have NEVER even talked to me. Seriously, fuck them. I told him a long time ago these are not the kind of people you would call a friend, but didn't tell him to not be friends with them. Now I think it's a good idea to not talk to them ever. I know for a fact that my friends (well ppl I haven't talked to in forever) wouldn't start shit like that with me.