[KH Doujin] Preview for Saving & Squandered Opportunity

Dec 02, 2011 18:10

Thank you for all of your feedback for last doujin. I'm happy that at least I can still find some response here in LJ, though my usual blog kinda lack all the response I used to get when I was writing KHR doujin. Heh heh, and yes, especially thanks to those that still sticks with me from one doujin to another.

All right, her I got the preview for 2 KH doujin that I'll be writing done. Both are AU and both are very long stories, it could be over 100 pages and would take years to finish but I'm looking forward to it ><.

First one is:


The other one:

Squandered Opportunity

I'd like you to voice which one would you like me to go first? Though I kind of think about going for Squandered Opportunity first already, I'd like to know about your opinions. Saving's a little more lighthearted, if compared to SqOp, Saving could even be called stress-free, ha XD. But I think now I enjoy writing the drama, and SqOp would do it, plus, I get to do more of my original plot for SqOp. But anyways, I'll try my best to put a touch of KH ori in there, I'd like it that way even if in AU.

Oh, one more thing XD each of them will come with characters from FF series. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I'll do for FF characters in Saving. I tried to recall it for a day and couldn't remember except the intro, their dialogue and that's all. But I have lots in store for FF characters when it comes to SqOp, one of the more reasons I'd like to go for SqOp first. There'll be Cloud, Aerith, Leon, Sephiroth, 3Jenova Bros etc. and of course, the monkey Reno and Rude! I like these two so much in FFAC (nope, not in pair, in partners as they are, yeahXD)

Actually, I'd like to go for both at the same time. But it'll be confusing for me. When I re-read my fanfic to recap, I kept forgetting about few things that are important and contributing. When I read the other one, I forget the other one. SqOp is more complex and there are things that I need to think about it too.  I might even ask for you opinion about the plot itself when I go along with doujinshi.

So, yeah, please let me know which one you're more interested in. THANKS :)

BTW, these are links to fanfiction:
Squandered Opportunity

doujinshi, kh, kingdom hearts, riku, sora

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