
Mar 15, 2010 01:30

Player Information
Name/Nickname: Starry
Livejournal Username: digitalstarry
AIM/MSN/Yahoo: AIM: Lethal Rainbowss
Timezone: EST
Current Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Geo Stelar
Fandom: Megaman Starforce, game-verse
Age: 10
Gender: Male
OU, AU, or RU: OU
Assignment: Stella by default due to age

Appearance: Normal and as Megaman

Since both wikis and fansites are lacking in history, you get a nice TL;DR one :D

Geo is from the distant future, around 22XX. Technology around that time has grown and centers around EM (Electromagnetic Waves). Using these invisible to the human eye waves, they have created a network called the Wave World. Everything that requires technology uses EM waves inside it, and everywhere around the world there are robots created by EM waves to do jobs from preparing food to keeping room temperatures stable. One of the most important and common devices is a transer, its like an evolved version of cell phone that allows computer like functions and use of Battle Cards. Battle Cards are like anti virus programs used to defeat EM Viruses, common on the EM World.

People in this world treasure friendships, creating Brotherbands with each other. Brotherbands are formed similarly as one would do for adding a friend on a social networking site. A Brotherband is seen as something to indicate social and economical status, as one with many gets to indulge in perks like free food in certain places.

Along came Geo Stelar, who up until three years ago grew up as a happy child and greatly respected his father, an astronaut working toward building Brotherbands with aliens. Tragically, he disappeared three years ago on a mission in space to fulfill his goal. This left Geo heartbroken, and he drew away from society, becoming anti social and having no friends at all. He even didn't attend school as he chose to continue his studies on his computer and with teacher programs. The only time he ventured into the outside world was to visit the hills of Vista Point to feel close to his father.

On one of these particular trips, an alien crashed into him and gave his glasses the ability to see EM Waves. The alien, Omega-Xis/Mega is an FM alien and a fugitive on the run from his home planet and must fuse with a human to gain his full powers. Geo then gains the power to transform into a EM Wave human called Megaman who can travel along the Wave World. Their combined efforts help stop EM viruses in their tracks, since Megaman can use powered up versions of Battle Cards to defeat them.

Along the way, Geo starts to open himself up to the world around him, thanks in part to his insistent classmates who beg him to attend school. Ever so slowly, he grows a bond with them, caring for those around them and vowing to protect his friends whenever danger strikes. By the end of the canon point I pull him from, he has formed a Brotherband with several of them and now attends school regularly.

But, the ruler of the alien group from Mega's origins (the FM King) wishes to take back an invaluable item Mega stole from them. So over the course of a few weeks, Geo fights the members of the FM King's army and defeats their attempts one by one. The FM King revives all of them and they gang up on Mega to take back the item. The item in question is the key to unlocking FM's greatest weapon and able to destroy the earth. Geo and Mega travel to space and find FM King and defeat their weapon to save earth.

After returning to earth, Geo spends about two weeks at home recovering before returning to school. I am pulling him from approximately a week after he goes back.


Geo on the outside, appears to act like a boy around his age, with some shy edges. He's reserved when it comes to his emotions, notvery well most of the time. He developed a hero complex over the course of his canon. As whenever one of his friends is in trouble, he suddenly gains the strength and motivation to aid them, saying that his power comes from their bonds of friendship.

Not too long ago, he wasn't such a hero. After his father disappeared in space, he closed himself off from the world, displaying traits similar to that of a hikikomori. His justification for this is that he didn't want to end up heartbroken again to somebody he loved dearly. Therefore he rarely interacted with anyone except his mother and usually stayed inside his room either doing schoolwork or playing by himself.

After meeting with Mega and some great encouragement from a certain group at his school (that he never attended and favored studying online) he slowly starts to reach out toward others, forming Brotherbands and socializing again. He leans to love again and that he can protect the friends he treasures. He is modest about his accomplishments, he doesn't brag or think of himself as being better then others, even after saving the world. He also doesn't like a lot of attention focused on him, as he still is shy and not used to it. He hides his identity as Megaman, preferring not to be discovered and the only few who know of his true identity is his closest friends.

One of his greatest role models is his own father, who Geo idolizes and is inspired by. He loves astronomy, having telescopes in his possession and a couple posters of constellations in his room. He wishes greatly to become an astronaut like his father and travel into space in order to find him again.

Strengths: Geo on his own is really not that powerful. He's pretty much an average ten year old other then perhaps slightly more agile and having knowledge of fighting from his previous battles. He comes with a Visualizer, which looks like a pair of green glasses, that allows him to see EM waves and beings but that's virtually useless outside of his canon universe. He also has his transer, a communication device that also allows him to use Battle Cards to destroy viruses.

This next part does not apply unless someone apps Mega, buuuut I'm leaving it here just in case.

With Mega, they can fuse together to become Megaman, a Wave Human who can traverse through the Wave and Real World at ease. He also can perform various attacks using the battle cards to become weapons such as swords, bombs, etc. His default weapon is Mega himself, who is placed on his right arm and serves as a buster to fire energy shots. Also he has slightly improved strength and reflexes as Megaman

Weaknesses: Well... he's a normal ten year old for the most part :| without Mega he would become defenseless on someone more powerful then he is who would attack him.

The room was clean and white, washed away with his familiar surroundings of home and all. It had to be a bad dream, but the wave of nausea hitting him made Geo cringe and make an unpleasant sound. That felt real to him for sure. His hands fingered around the Visualizer, placing it around his eyes to see if Mega was around, since he couldn't hear the alien's insistent voice calling him. But nothing was shown, not even the glowing orange roads that were always in every room of the house, or even a Hertz wandering around. He wouldn't even mind if he saw his homeworknavi now. Was he in a strange area that blocked the waves out?

He sat up and opened his transer, seeing if Mega had been resting inside there. "Meg-ahh.." He winced as his head started feel the dizzy and unable to catch his bearings. He had to lay on his back again to combat the sudden sickness. The sickness wasn't a problem that trouble him the most. As he slowly realized it, he wasn't in Echo Ridge, or probably in his world anymore. Did a rouge alien kidnap him and take him to their world, ...that seemed like the most possible explanation.

After just mere moments from this discovery, a screen with a man slowly unfolding his fate before his very eyes. He listened with every word, hoping silently that none of his friend of his friends were dragged into this odd place and risk fighting here. While he wanted to go into space again sometime... this was hardly the situation he wanted.

When the messaged ended, he spent a little time to gather his thoughts and consider them. But the rightful choice rang clear in his mind. If he could fight alongside others in this mission, he would be able to return home safely. Maybe even he could find his father finally in the vast deep mostly unexplored land of space.

...And then he could protect the others from the space rift. Even without Mega and sans his Wave form, he still felt the motivation, the inner strength to combat this... anti-group. As long as he believed and held dear to them, their Brotherbands would reach beyond dimensions, beyond the stars to give him a helping hand.

Tapping the blue panel nearby, he appeared just a little reluctant, trying to wash away the apprehensive thoughts quickly. "Hi Mr. Admiral, my name is Geo Stelar and I'll lend you my help!" He stated clearly his decision to the officer.


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