Maiko Ink

Nov 28, 2007 22:32

Yeeeeup. That would be me. About half-wayish done with my new (& first) tattoo. I think I want to get it extended - up higher, and down lower, maybe even wider too. And of course the rest of the flowers need to be coloured, including one which will be yellow and green = Aussie Cherry-Blossom. It's not 100% how I was imagining it in my head - the flowers are a little different to how I first wanted them, but I don't mind these either, and it still gets across what I want it too, I think. It didn't hurt anywhere near as bad as I thought it would, infact overall it was pretty good. No tears, no swearing. The tattooist even made a joke about tattooing "tough as fuck" on the bottom XD XD

Also, Cid in the background ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Also also, first LJ post from 'Valentine', aka, my Dell XPS M1330. This is my current desktop *hugs ani_mama*
Recent technical issues = vista having incompatability issues with the video card. Am I surprised? Not at all. Fucking vista. *downloads upgrades and patches*

computer, tat

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