Story Time!

Apr 23, 2008 10:16

Once upon a time there was mrshortpants. Approximately threes minutes after his ignoble birth in a back alley of the Internet, mrshortpants stumbled upon Wikipedia's list of Fearsome Critters, one of which was the "cactcus cat." Like a cactus, mrshortpants supposed, but different. Eschewing research, he composed an article about the creature, ( Read more... )

victory, shenanigans

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Comments 2

I remember this! mankiller September 15 2008, 13:22:38 UTC
Heck, I posted the original "John" talk on the page! This victory will go down as a red-letter day, to be sure! The jackass that reverted mrshortpants and blocked...uhh...that person was not only a Celine Dion fan, but someone who decided that he would take up GIS as a hobby and write articles on it. Articles full of horrendous inaccuracies that even some of my undergrads (back when I taught Remote Sensing) would never have dared made. Yes, undergrads, the slack-jawed yokels of academia, would not have been so ignorant. I haven't checked the articles in a while, I sincerely hope they've improved. A lot.

Oh, and I love me some commas.


Re: I remember this! bonelesspuppy September 16 2008, 18:38:53 UTC
Mmm, commas.

My bobcat-related misinformation remains in place, along with my fanciful citation, so I consider this a victory!


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