Are the rumours true? Did you really leave to wrestle with a Hungarian Horntail who was threatening a whole impoverished and peasant filled Muggle town in Scandinavia?
What can I say? It was a task that no one was willing to take, so I conjured up the courage and volunteered myself for a unpromising, hazardous quest to save the poor Muggles.
It was a hard task seeing as (to my surprise) there was actually two Hungarian Horntails. But, after many toils and burns, I took them down and defeated them both. I am now the hero in all of Scandinavia. They kind of worship me, but I tell them to cool it down and just put of a statue of me or something.
I was hoping all of this wouldn't get out, but oi! Heroic quests need to heard by all!
Oh, worry not for your illegal substances. I wouldn't dare come back to Hogwarts without any whiskey.
Education is an education, Julie Mobblestone. I have to make sure you learn all that is needed to learn and seeing as I was off making myself a hero, well, we fell off pace and need to catch up. Don't worry, it's not going to be that hard if you read the book. Hahaha
Fuck education. I've been here almost seven years and I'm apparently still not ready for what's out there. We better be learning useful stuff in your class, Edgar Bones.
Well, then, my class is perfect for those who are in need of a challenge. Blokes such as yourself, Nerald. I'm sure the work will suffice and keep you occupied.
Comments 51
It was a hard task seeing as (to my surprise) there was actually two Hungarian Horntails. But, after many toils and burns, I took them down and defeated them both. I am now the hero in all of Scandinavia. They kind of worship me, but I tell them to cool it down and just put of a statue of me or something.
I was hoping all of this wouldn't get out, but oi! Heroic quests need to heard by all!
Scares? Nah, Edgar Bones fears nothing. Nearly spoiled my pants, when I saw two Horntails, though.
Education is an education, Julie Mobblestone. I have to make sure you learn all that is needed to learn and seeing as I was off making myself a hero, well, we fell off pace and need to catch up. Don't worry, it's not going to be that hard if you read the book. Hahaha
Calling Arithmancy rubbish! You better start reading, I'll be calling on you first.
Though, I agree, education is rubbish. All you really need is a good wand and some guts.
Er, I mean, I reckon we could do it Yeah. Absolutely. Three chapters a day, we--er. We could do it.
Gladtoseeyou'rebackinonepieceEd BonesProfessor.
That's the spirit! C'mon shout with me, "I PUT THE 'MAN' IN ARITHMANCY!" Eh?
Er, thank you, mate. I told my mother to stop doing that! Merlin. \
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Your mother still buys you undies.
P.S. I took some candy from your box.
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